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Mature content (VERY mature)

I was dying.

My body was flooded with pleasure, electricity shooting through my veins.

I tried to keep a straight face, I tried to act normal while Fred was having fun with the remote, turning up the intensity of the vibrator or changing the pattern it would vibrate in.

I sat on the sofa, my leg crossed over the other. George sat next to me, Lee on his other side and Fred sat in the armchair across from me, his hand pushed into his pocket.

My elbow rested on the back of the sofa, my head in my hand while I looked at Fred.

His attention was on Lee who was speaking, but my attention was on him.

The way he was leaned back in the chair, his knees spread, one hand on his pocket and the other hand resting against his thigh.

I saw the hand in his pocket move and then the vibration was turned up, causing me to jolt slightly.

George noticed, looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I pressed the palm of my hand to my mouth.

I hummed in response.

"Just a cramp." I breathed and he frowned at me before he turned back to look at Lee.

Lee was talking about his recent detention with Umbridge.

I wanted to be able to listen and engage in the conversation but the only thing I could think about was how much I wanted to come.

Fred had been edging me for hours. The party was slowly dying down and people were going to bed.

Only a few were left in the room, us included.

Angie had gone to bed. George had helped her up there seeing as she had gotten herself absolutely pissed.

Felix had gone with Alicia up to the dorm and the thought of them having sex made me want to barf.

Also, poor Angie if they were having sex with her sleeping right there.

Fred's eyes flicked to mine and as they did, he turned the vibrations up even more to the point where I was scared that someone would be able to hear it.

I tried to keep my eyes open but eventually I ended up giving in and they closed while my lips parted.

Don't make a sound.

I could feel it approach quickly but then the vibrations stopped and I looked at Fred who had gone back to the conversation, a faint smirk present on his face.

He was killing me.

I was more than desperate and I was also extremely sensitive from being edged all night.

I needed him to look at me, to see how desperate I was. I needed to get out of here and I needed him to come with.

Though first of all, I needed his permission to do anything. He was controlling me tonight, he was in control like always and like always, I absolutely loved being submissive, especially to him because he never did anything he knew I was uncomfortable with.

The vibration started again and I bit down on my lip, almost letting out a moan. My eyes were focused on Fred who took a look around the room before his eyes landed on me.

'Please' I mouthed.

He ran a few fingers over his mouth before tapping one finger against his lips.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now