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Do you guys wanna see my hamsters? I promise they're cute!!

If yes, you can see them at the end of the chapter.

If no, you can see them at the end of the chapter.



I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my lipstick.

Fred was behind me, pulling up his dress pants and closing his belt while watching me in the mirror.

"Fifteen minutes max, huh?" I asked. "We've been gone long enough for people to start notice."

"Hey, a man deserves to enjoy his girlfriend." He said. "Especially if she's as hot as mine."

"Man..." I muttered, causing Fred to chuckle as he slipped his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my naked shoulder.

"I am a man."

"No, you're a boy." I said. "Nineteen isn't a man."

He rested his chin on my shoulder while watching me with a smile as I continued to fix up my makeup, making sure it didn't look like I had just been fucked.

"How do I smell?" I asked and Fred brushed his nose over the crook of my neck, basically inhaling my scent.

"Like vanilla..." he whispered. "...and sex."

I sighed.


"Marry me."

My eyes immediately flicked to Fred through the mirror and after a moment of processing his words, I quickly turned around to face him.


He straightened up, taking a step closer to me, closing the air between our bodies. My back hit the sink and he placed a hand on either side of my body.

"You heard me." He said, his voice softer than ever. "Marry me."

I looked at his lips, then at his eyes and scoffed.

"This is how you're asking me? In a bathroom after we've just fucked at your brother's wedding?" I asked. "I mean... I don't even see a ring."

A teasing smile found its way onto my face and Fred grinned smugly, leaning in to kiss me.

"I've got a ring." He whispered against my lips. "It's downstairs in the inner pocket of my coat."

I placed a hand against his chest and gently pushed him away when he tried kissing me again.

"No you don't."

"Yeah I do." He nodded, leaning back against the opposite wall, staring at me with the smug smile still on his lips.

"No... you don't."

"Yeah... I do." He mocked my tone. "Why would I lie about that?"

My eyes widened.

"I thought you were joking!"

A laugh slipped past Fred's lips. His eyes stayed on me while I felt the panic rise inside.

"That's why you asked me that question last night!" I exclaimed. "George isn't thinking about proposing to Angie! You just wanted to know if I'd say yes!"

Fred widened his eyes for a short second, mocking my expression. "Caught me."

"Jesus fucking— Fred we can't get married!" I laughed. "That's absurd! We're nineteen!"

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now