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Felix brushed his fingers through my hair as I laid with my head against his shoulder.

His arm was wrapped around me and we were covered by his duvet, the curtains on his bed pulled out to hide us from the rest of the room.

I liked these moments, laying here with him, the two of us talking about random shit, like the time when we tripped down the stairs at his house and his brothers saw it, embarrassing the shit out of him.

"It was funny." I laughed against the skin of his shoulder.

"I could've broken my neck." He chuckled. "You didn't even try to help me."

"What was I going to do? I didn't want to be pulled down with you!"

I ran my hand over his chest as he laughed, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Gideon and Theodore still laugh about it." He said, and I smiled cheekily at him, knowing that I sometimes that laughed with his brothers about it as well.

"You're so warm." I whispered, moving closer to his body. I threw a leg over his hips, closing my eyes.

Felix ran his hand down my back, continuing down to the back of my thigh, pulling me on top of him.

I smiled as I leaned down and kissed him, while I straddled his clothed crotch.

I ran my hands up his chest before running one hand to his neck, my fingers brushing over the hickey.

Felix quickly grabbed my hand and pushed it back down to his chest before leaning up, kissing me but it just felt like an excuse to distract me.

He turned us over, getting on top of me before kissing his way down my neck.

I moaned softly as he lifted my thigh over his hip, rocking his hips against mine.

My fingers got tangled into his hair and my head fell back when his hand slid between my thighs.


"I hate her."

I glanced at Martha as we walked to class. She kept complaining about Professor Umbridge.

She had gotten detention with her when she today during class laughed so hard that she almost peed her pants and no matter how much Umbridge told her to be quiet, Martha couldn't stop laughing.

It was because of something George did in class. I don't know what he did because every time I asked Martha, she'd start laughing and couldn't get the words out.

At first when we started this year, I didn't want to judge Umbridge too quickly but I absolutely hate the woman and I know that her detentions are the worst so I was definitely not excited on Martha's behalf.

"You'll just be writing lines for an hour." I said. "It'll be over and then you can go back to luring guys into bed."

"Not just guys." She smirked. "I had a conversation with Cho earlier. I think I might get something there..."

Laughing, I shook my head at her.

"I need to borrow another condom." I told her. "Felix and I wanted to go for a second round last night but we only had that one."

Martha sighed.

"You have to start to stock up on them." She said. "At this pace, I'll run out by the end of September."

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