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I love you <3


Mature content

Waking up to Freddie was always something that made my morning, especially waking up before him.

I loved getting to look at his soft features while he slept peacefully, breathing heavily through his mouth.

Today, I woke up with my head laying against his shoulder, his arm wrapped around me. He was on his back and my hand rested on his bare chest.

It was December twenty-fourth. Today we were going home to his family to spend the night and celebrate Christmas.

Fred was overly excited about Christmas but I couldn't exactly get my spirits up about it.

I had been feeling very dull since Kwan died. I had days where I was extremely happy, mostly because Fred made it his mission to make sure I laughed, but overall, I was grieving.

I leaned in and pressed a kiss to Fred's cheek, causing one corner of his lips to twitch up slightly but he was still sleeping.

"I love you." I whispered, rolling out of bed and out of his grip.

I got dressed so that I didn't have to worry about it later and I pushed my hair back once I brushed it.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my ear pushed back behind my pierced ears.

My dark brown eyes stared back at me, the light from the window making them look just a little lighter.

Maybe some makeup today.

I tilted my head at my expression. My face was bare, looking awfully naked. It was a look I used to hate but I didn't anymore. I liked a clean face just like I liked wearing makeup.

I ran a few fingers over the brown skin of my cheek, then picked up my brow pencil. I shaped them, coloured them and then shaped them again, making sure they were perfect.

Grabbing a mascara, I applied it and lastly, I grabbed my lipstick, running it over my plump lips.

I looked back at Fred in the bed, noticing how he had rolled onto his side, his hand spread out on my side of the bed.

Leaving the room, I walked into the kitchen where George was already awake, trying to cook breakfast, but it didn't look like it was going well.

"Good morning." I said, pushing my sleeves up as I approached him. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I am trying to make a trifle to bring to the Burrow, but I am absolutely lost."

"Well, it might help if you actually had the ingredients." I said. "Where is the berries or the fucking whipped cream?"

George looked at me and his eyes fell to my boobs immediately when he saw what I was wearing.

"Uh... Kai, you—"

"I know." I sighed. "The shirt is a tiny bit too small. I didn't have any energy to take it off again but I'll change before we leave. Now stop looking at my tits and focus on making that trifle."

George gulped, then nodded and turned his head back towards the ingredients.

"You know what? Fuck this." He said, shaking his head. "I'm buying one and I'll tell mum I made it."

I chuckled and George started putting away the things he had found to make the trifle.

"Is Freddie awake?" George asked and looked at me while brushing his hair back.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now