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I could hear Fred and George laugh over something in the living room while I laid in bed on my back, looking at the piece of glass in my hand.

I held it over my face, looking through it with one eye closed.

The summer holidays were starting this week. Maya was coming home and was meeting Myeong for the first time since his birth.

Felix and Martha were graduating and that would mean I would no longer be able to avoid running into them in Diagon Alley.

"What time is it?!" I shouted into the flat as I put the piece of glass down and propped myself up on my elbows.

I heard footsteps and then George showed up in the doorway to the room.

"It's almost two." He said. "Why?"

"I have that thing..." I breathed as I stumbled out of bed. "...I'm meeting my dad."

I walked towards George and he made room for me to leave through the doorway.

"What's Freddie doing?" I asked, walking into the living room to see Fred's legs thrown over the back of the sofa, his back against the seat.

"He just passed out." George said. "I think he's tired."

I looked at Fred, a small smile creeping onto my face. I approached him and crouched down to where his head laid.

I pressed a kiss to his temple before I stood up and looked at George.

"Can you tell him I left?" I asked.

"Of course." George nodded. "When will you be back?"

"Probably not until tonight. I think I'll go home to eat with my family."

He smiled as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Too bad. I was planning on cooking." He said, knowing I enjoyed his food more than I enjoyed Freddie's or anyones else for that matter. "I'll tell Freddie. I'll see you tonight."


My dad and I looked at an empty shop for my bookshop.

He had gotten the keys and seemed very happy on my behalf as I walked around with a huge smile on my face, trying to see all of the opportunities in the shop.

The shop was located right on the corner a little further down from the twins shop, and in the opposite side.

The room of the shop was large and it most definitely needed some work done here and there.

In the back, there was a kitchen, a bathroom and a few stockrooms and then there was the stairs that went down to the basement.

"I can't believe you're all grown up." My dad said out of nowhere, a sigh leaving his mouth. "A minute ago I was teaching you you your very first thing about magic and now you've moved out and want to start your own business."

I smiled.

"You still have Maya." I said. "She's only fourteen, and now you also get to start all over with Myeong."

"You're right." Dad nodded. "But you were still my first daughter and seeing you move out and grow up..."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"How do you like it?" He asked, opening his arms while looking around. "Something you can work with?"

"Oh, definitely." I nodded. "I've had a lot of visions about how my bookshop would be and I can see it come true in here."

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