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"Where are we?"

My voice was full of fear as I noticed the spot Fred had apparated us to. It was exactly as he had described it.

A house with multiple levels that obviously had been added throughout the years.

There was a shed, a pigpen, a garden and a lake close by the house.

"C'mon." Fred laced his fingers with mine but I quickly let go of his hand and stepped back.

"No... this was not planned!" I said.


I tilted my head and pointed at him while he reached for my hand again.

"Freddie." I whined. "I'm not ready to meet them."

"You won't." He laughed. "No one's home. Dads at work and mum is visiting Bill at work. I just have to pick up some things."

I let out a relieved breath, closing my eyes for a moment while I let Fred pull me against his chest.

"Couldn't have led with that?" I asked. "You scared the living shit out of me."

He laughed against my hair, wrapping his arm around my neck before leading me down towards the front door of his childhood home.

Fred used his wand to unlock the door, pushing it open before he led me through the door.

He slipped his arm off from around my shoulders and as he walked into the kitchen, he pointed his wand at the front door, shutting it.

"What do you need to pick up?" I asked as I looked around, taking in every detail of the cosy home.

"Uh... there's a box of ingredients in the room George and I shared." He told me. "And then there's some clothes I didn't bring with me, what I'd like to grab now."

Fred grabbed an apple in the kitchen and took a bite, while strolling back over towards me. As he walked past me, he winked at me, expecting me to follow him as he made his way towards the stairs.

Once he reached the stairs, he stepped up and turned around, leaning his hands on the railing while he looked at me.

"Are you going to stand there this whole time or are you going to come help me?" He asked. "Don't you want to see the room where I jacked off most nights to the thought of you?"

"Me?" I scoffed as I started making my way towards him. "I highly doubt that."

"Yeah?" He asked. "C'mon... I had been wanting to get into your pants for a while. You're hot."

I stepped up on the step below him and slipped a hand around his back.

"You finally got to." I grinned. "So... did I disappoint?"

"Not at all, pretty." He smiled, running a hand along my jaw before he leaned down and kissed me.

The taste of apple lingered on his lips and when he pulled back, he took another bite of it while keeping eye contact with me.

He nodded towards the top of the stairs before he turned around and led the way up.

"We used to sleep in bunks when we were younger." He told me. "Though around the time we turned fifteen, mum transformed the bunk bed into two separate ones."

He pushed open the door to one of the rooms and I followed him inside, taking in every detail of the room.

A bed on either side of the room, Quidditch posters, two dressers, a desk and some shelves with all sort of things.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now