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I dug through the box underneath my bed while Fred was fast sleep, his snoring filling the room.

Finding my Polaroid camera before I crawled on top of him, straddling him.

He was laying on his back, his head turned one side, lips slightly parted. His right hand rested under the pillow and his left hand laid on his stomach.

At the sound of the camera, he jerked awake. The photo slid out from the camera and I grabbed it, waving it in the air while waiting for it to appear.

"What are you up to?" Fred muttered, blinking a few times before he looked up at me with tired eyes.

I didn't answer but instead looked at the photo and smiled when I saw I turned out just like I had wanted it to.

"Give me that." He said, grabbing the camera from my hands.

"What're you doing?" I asked as I reached over to place the photograph on my nightstand.

"Take off your shirt." He ordered and I looked at him as I dragged my hands down his chest.

I smirked, leaning towards him.

"Are you going to take naked pictures of me, Freddie?" I whispered, digging my nails into his skin before I pressed a kiss to his chest.


Chuckling, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it off, throwing it into the room.

I threw my head back while running my fingers into my hair and then I heard the sound of the camera.

"Freddie!" I gasped, slapping his chest and his laughter filled the room while I grabbed the picture that left the camera.

My boobs were visible and I looked almost sexual with how I threw my head back, my fingers in my hair.

"Can I see?" Fred asked and reached for the picture, snatching it from between my fingers.

When he looked at it, he wolf-whistled and winked at me, then looked at the photograph again.

"You are hot."

"Yeah I know I am." I said and rolled my eyes.

Fred raised his eyebrows at me.

"Look at you being all confident and shit." He grinned. "Can I keep this by the way?"

I glanced to the photograph, then narrowed my eyes but I ended up agreeing to it.

Fred put the photograph on the nightstand before he ran his hands up my sides.

He was going home today, unfortunately and then he was coming back in two days to have dinner with me, my family, the Larch family as well as Martha, her aunt and uncle.

Fred ran his hands over my boobs, brushing his thumbs over my nipples, and I let out a breath, closing my eyes.

"Get down here you little bitch." He said and I laughed as I laid down, my head against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around my body after he pulled the duvet up to cover us both.

"You've such a way with words." I whispered and he pressed a kiss to my head, a small chuckle escaping his lips.


I sighed once Fred disappeared through the fireplace, going home until in two days.

Two days without him.

I didn't expect it to be difficult. It was just two days.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now