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"Where's Myeong?"

As everyone panicked, I was too, but my kind of panic was more quiet, more calm. Everyone were running, guests were disapparating and death eaters were attacking.

I didn't know where anyone were at. Fred and I got lost from each other when people started running and I didn't know where Myeong was.

"Myeong!" I yelled. "Where is my brother?!"

A hand wrapped around my wrist and I screamed, but when I turned, I saw Felix.

He wasn't invited.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, trying to rip my hand from him.

"C'mon... we need to—"

"Let go of me!"

"I'm trying to help, Kai!" He yelled at me before dragging me through the crowd of people running.

I looked around, trying to see if I could see Myeong but I just had to hope that Angie still had him.

Felix apparated with me and we landed in a flat with things I recognised to be his.

"What the fuck, Felix!" I screamed, shoving him in the chest. "I need to get back there... I need to—"

"Are you trying to get murdered?!" He yelled and apparated in front of me when I tried to leave.

I laughed as I took a step back.

"What are you up to?" I asked. "How did you know what was happening, huh?"

Felix stared at me, then his expression dropped.

"You think I was apart of that?" He asked before he let out a laugh. "Look at that. You've known me for nineteen years and you just assume I've joined the fucking death eaters?!"

"Well how am I supposed to know?! I don't trust you anymore! After everything you did!"

He stepped towards me and I automatically stepped back.

"Theodore is one of them."

I froze, staring at him.

"Your brother?"

"Yes, my fucking brother! I saw the dark mark on his arm and I found this weird photo collection of you he's got hidden in some box." Felix told me. "I knew you'd be at that wedding today so I showed up to warn you about him. He's obsessed with you, and now that I think about it, he was like that too when we were together. Do you remember how he always commented on you choosing me when you could have anybody else?"

I inhaled sharply, realising how much sense that made.

"I can't do this right now." I shook my head. "I need to get back and find my brother. I—"

"I'm scared he's gonna try and hurt you, Kai."

I scoffed.

"Well, I can take care of myself, thank you very much." I said before I apparated back to the Burrow.

Everything was crashed outside and the door to the burrow had been blown off the frame.


My eyes located Fred who was inside, trying to reach me outside, but a death eater held him back.

They were inside.

Hurrying, I joined them inside but the second I walked inside of the house, someone stepped behind me while another person grabbed my arm harshly, and there he was.

I stood face to face with Theodore.

I stared up at him and saw his eyes scan my face.

"Get your disgusting hands off of me." I spat, causing his eyes to flick up to mine.

"Why don't you join us, eh?" He asked. "We could use someone with that kind of anger."

I laughed.

"I'd rather die than having to join you." I said. "What are you doing, Theo? Didn't mummy and daddy give you enough attention as a child?"

In response, he slapped me across the face and once again, Fred lunged forward but was held back.

My eyes landed on Myeong. He was being held by Angie who looked at me with worry and her eyes full of tears.

I tried to walk over there but Theodore grabbed my arm and held me back.

"You're not going anywhere. You're coming with us once we're done here."

I looked at Fred who was looking panicked, his eyes wide and focused on me.

"Let go of her." He said chilling, eyes flicking to Theodore. "Or I will—"

"Will what?" Theodore cut him off. "Sit your fucking arse down. I might kill you right here for having wasted almost two years of her life."

Theodore was pointing his wand at Fred and I heard Molly gasp for him to leave her son alone.

I felt Theodore's arm slip around my waist and he lowered his head so that I could feel his breath against my ear.

"You'll have a wonderful life with me." He whispered. "And if you fight me on this, I''ll kill your baby brother."

My heart was in my throat and I teared up as I stared at Fred.

This wasn't happening.

"Where is Potter?" One of the other death eaters asked. "Tell us and no one gets hurt."

No one said anything.

"Make them talk." Theo whispered in my ear. "Or I'm gonna hurt that petty boyfriend of yours."

"If you hurt one hair on his—"

I didn't get to finish my sentence before the word 'crucio' left Theodore's mouth, his wand pointed at Fred.

I watched as he screamed in pain, falling to his knees, and I heard Molly cry out.

I was crying, watching my boyfriend suffer in pain.

"Please stop." I cried, trying to push Theodore's hand away so that the wand wasn't pointed at Fred. "Stop!"

My scream made him lower his wand and I rushed to Fred before Theodore got to stop me.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed quietly as I took Fred's face in my hands and made him look at me.

He had an arm hooked around his wrists and he was obviously still in pain but as he looked at me, he forced a smile.

"I'm okay." He whispered. I helped him to his feet, my arm staying around his back.

Theodore laughed.

"Get over here, Kai."

I didn't respond. I just stared at him as I stayed by Fred's side.

When Theodore started walking towards me, Molly stepped in front of him.

"Leave the poor girl alone!" She said. "No one here knows where Harry is so you're all wasting your time and if you just as much as touch a hair on anyone in this room, you'll wish you were never born!"

The room went quiet for a moment and when no one expected it, Theodore pulled his wand, pointing it towards Fred again, but this time I was faster.

I stepped in front of Fred and then a horrible pain shot through my stomach and when I looked down, a knife sat deep in my stomach, the blade not even visible.

Oh fuck.

Theodore had used a spell that shot knives towards the victim. A spell I had never heard off.

I stumbled back, my body shaking as my hands tried to feel the area but they ended up covered in blood instead.

"Kai?" Fred asked. He hadn't seen it yet. He knew something had happened, but he didn't know what it was.

Then I collapsed.

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