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Kai was asleep, cuddled up under a blanket on my bed. Her hand was cleaned up and wrapped and after she had cried a little, she went to sleep.

She had been tired and in pain so it didn't come to my surprise when she broke into tears.

After I had removed her makeup, I joined her on the bed though I sat at the end of it, leaning against one of the posters.

I sat with one of her books, randomly scrolling through it without reading a word.

I didn't know what she so liked about reading but she loved it so I was going to read this one just because she wanted me to try.

At the sound of the door to the room opening, I turned my head and looked at George who entered.

His eyes landed on Kai as he closed the door behind him.

"Is she okay?"

I shook my head.

"She had her detention with Umbridge." I said. "I haven't seen it this serious before. Her entire hand was dripping with blood."

George slowly approached the bed, looking down at Kai who was sleeping peacefully, her face still red from having cried and her eyelashes still wet.

"What did she make her write?"

I sighed.

"I must not whore around."

George looked at me, eyebrows falling into a frown.

"Umbridge slut shamed Kai?"

"Yeah." I sighed, staring at Kai. "Hey uh... I told her about our plans of leaving and I suggested she comes with. I hope she chooses to."



When I woke up, it seemed to be nighttime. The entire dorm was dark, snoring coming from different places in the room, including right next to me.

It was also dark outside, the stars covering the sky.

Fred was asleep next to me, an arm wrapped around my body.

Sighing, I hooked my arm over his stomach and my eyes landed on my hand which was wrapped tightly.

The blood had soaked through a few of the layers but it wasn't hurting as much due to the pressure on the wound.

I felt Fred move a little and I tilted my head a little to look up at him, seeing his eyes flutter open.

Once they landed on me, he smiled weakly and played with my hair a little.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

I yawned, laying my head down against his chest again, closing my eyes.

"I'm okay." I said. "Just a little tired."

"Still? You've been sleeping for hours." He chuckled, and I smiled weakly against his skin. "You haven't even had dinner."

I pulled myself up to sit, running my healthy hand through my hair.

"Now that you mention it... I am a little hungry."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now