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The next morning, Fred had left the bed once I woke up.

I could hear the two boys chat somewhere in either the kitchen or the living room so after getting out of bed, I made my way out to join them.

Their eyes landed on me and their talking died down. George had a smug smile on his face while leaning on the island, and Fred looked me up and down while grinning.

I was wearing his oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Thanks for the plant." George grinned and immediately, I flipped him off which caused him to laugh.

"Why are you two so cheerful at eight in the morning?" I asked.

"Because... Umbridge has been removed as headmistress." Fred told me before handing me a newspaper. "Read it."

I grabbed the newspaper from his hand and my eyes scanned the front page before they went wide.

"Wait..." I mumbled when I caught eye of one specific column. " is back? Like for real this time?"

"Huh?" George walked around the island and snatched the newspaper from my hands, a look of confusion on both his and Fred's faces as they read it together.

"Shit." Fred cursed. "The ministry agrees and all."

"What does that mean?" George muttered. "If he's officially returned..."

"We're at war." I muttered. "Great, thank you. Anything else, universe?"

I looked up at the ceiling and the twins must've thought I was crazy, but I didn't care.

War meant violence and violence meant death and injuries.

I wasn't ready to face that.

What if I lost anyone?

"The war has officially begun." Fred breathed before he laughed. "That sounded way too formal."

"Would you shut up?" George asked and slapped the back of his brothers head before he went into his bedroom.

"Ow..." Fred muttered, rubbing that exact spot before he looked at me. "...hey, what're you doing today?"

I sighed.

"I'm going back to bed."

Fred followed me into our bedroom, closing the door behind him while I got back into bed.

"You okay?"

"Yes." I breathed. "And so are you, apparently."


I lifted my head to look at him.

"How are you so chill about this? You-know-who is back and—"

"I've known for a while, Kai." He cut me off. "And so have you, through I've known since... since Diggory died."

I sat up.

"And how did you know exactly?" I asked. "You trust Potter that much that you'd take his word for it?"

"Of course." Fred frowned. "Harry's a part of the family and he wouldn't lie about that."

"I didn't say that... I just—" I sighed. "You always seem to know things that no one else does."

Fred didn't say anything, just looked away as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Sirius Black died." He said.

"Okay? Good. He's a criminal."

Fred looked at me again, pressing his lips together.

"What?" I asked. "He is. He murdered all of those people back then. He—"

"He didn't." Fred spoke. "He was framed."

I frowned then let out a laugh of disbelief.

"This is what I'm talking about!" I exclaimed. "How do you know these things when no one else does?!"

Fred placed his hands on his hips as he watched me with his eyebrows raised. He wasn't going to tell me.

"And it isn't just you. It's George as well. What were you talking about before I woke up? You both got quiet when I joined you."

"I can't tell you."

"And why is that?"

"Because..." Fred sighed. "...I just can't. I'm not allowed to so can you just drop it?"

I looked up at him, wondering what the hell he meant by that.

"Okay." I shrugged and laid down, pulling the duvet up over me.


"You're not allowed to tell me. That's fine. I just need to know that whatever it is, it's not something that'll get you in trouble."

A small smile appeared on his face.

"It's nothing like that, I promise."

"Good." I whispered, closing my eyes, but I felt the duvet get pulled off my body.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Fred whispered as he leaned down and brushed his nose over my cheek.

"Of course not." I told him. "But I am tired so get out of my face and let me sleep."

Fred laughed and kissed my cheek before he grabbed onto my legs, making me shriek as he pulled me to the edge of the bed.

"We're going out." He told me. "You are not going to spend the entire day in bed."

I laughed.

"I am not going out until the war is won."

"Well that could be a while."

"Exactly." I said and tried to lay back down when Fred pulled me off the bed, resulting in me groaning loudly.

"C'mon, pretty." He smiled. "Get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast before we leave."

He kissed me before letting go of me, backing up towards the door while grinning mischievously at me.

"If I see you in bed when I come check on you again, I will burn you alive." He said, winking at me before he turned around and left the room.

"Where are we even going?!" I shouted after him while walking towards the dresser.

"No idea!" He shouted back, and I rolled my eyes.

I pulled my shorts down before pulling on a pair of loose high-waisted jeans. I threw the shorts on the bed as well as the t-shirt I was wearing.

Once I wore a bra, I walked out of the room to ask Fred something.

"Seriously, where are we going?" I asked. "You can't just force me outside if you don't have a plan."

Fred turned to look at me and his lips parted as his eyes dropped to my boobs.

"Why are you out here with no shirt on?" He asked. "George could see you!"

"He's in his room!" I argued. "I'm wearing a bra and it's not like my nipples are visible or anything."

He leaned his hands on the island, watching me while his eyes slowly moved back up to my face.

"Oh my god!" I heard George exclaim and I looked at him as he stood in the hallway, covering his eyes. "Kai! Wear a shirt!"

I rolled my eyes.

"How is it that you two are allowed to walk around with no shirts on but the second I walk around in a bra, I'm expected to cover myself up? It's skin, it's boobs and it's not like I have any."

"Oh you definitely have some." George said.

"Oi!" Fred exclaimed. "Stop looking at her breasts!"

"Then tell her to wear a shirt!"

"You know what?" I asked. "Fine. I'll wear a shirt, but then the two of you have to start wearing bras as well to hide your fucking tits and wear a shirt because no one wants to see that!"

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