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Warning!: self-harm

I stared into the room as Theodore slept.

He was sleeping so peacefully while it was pouring down outside. It was noisy.

All I could hear was the rain and his snores.

All I could feel was his hands and his lips on my skin.

All I could think about was Fred, my family and my friends.

And all I could see was this boring bedroom in the dark of the night.

He made me wear his clothes and he burned mine. I had no bra, I had no knickers. Just his sweatpants and his hoodie.

My hair was wet from yet another shower, my skin bruised from both his lips and his harsh grip.

I looked at my wrists. My blue and yellow wrists, and then I ran my hands into my wet hair.

Theodore moved on the bed, and I froze, waiting for him to wake up.. but he didn't.

He just rolled onto his other side, facing away from me, and then he continued to snore.

Carefully, I got out of bed, keeping my eye on him as I walked around the bed and crouched by his nightstand.

I knew he kept his wand in the drawer.

Though as I went to open it, he reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"What're you doing?" His voice was hoarse and I looked at him in fear as his eyes met mine.

"I Uh... I couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you had some sleeping pills."

"You can't sleep?" He asked softly, running his hand from my wrist and up my arm. "C'mere."

He tugged me up and towards the bed, pulling me down so he could cuddle me, and while he did, hiding his face in the crook of my neck, I stared into the room, hating the feeling of him on me.

I didn't sleep all night. The next morning, Theodore got up and brought his wand with him to the bathroom as he showered.

I laid in the bed, staring towards the ceiled window and when I heard the bathroom door open, I tensed up.

"I'll have to leave you for a couple of hours." He said as he entered the room. "There's a meeting at the Malfoy manor. I'm pretty sure someone is going to get killed for letting Potter and his friends escape."

"Were you there?" I asked quietly.


I turned a little to look back at him.

"When they escaped?"

Theodore cracked a smile as he dropped the towel that was wrapped around his waist, and immediately I turned away again.

"One of those house-elves helped them escape. It gets me so angry to even think about. Why do they want to be friends with Potter? He's putting them all in danger. The boy needs to just sacrifice himself and let the Dark Lord get what he wants."

"And why would he do that?"

Theodore laughed.

"I know you're on their side, darling and that's alright. It's just like religion. A Christian and a Jew can date if they just respect each other's beliefs. I respect your beliefs but that doesn't mean I share them with you."

I clenched my fist, biting down on my lip while staring at the window.

"And that little mud-blood. You should've seen it. It was amazing. The way she screamed as Bellatrix cut into her arm with that dagger."

"Hermione?" I asked and sat up, staring at Theodore while he buttoned his trousers.

"That's what I said." He nodded. "And now they've all gone into hiding. The Weasley's..."

They've gone into hiding? Fred too?

But what about me...

"Oh, don't look like that." Theodore said and walked over to the bed, taking my chin in his hand. "You didn't think they'd look for you? You're not his first priority, darling. Potter is the first priority for him and his family. They're not looking for you, Kai. They won't look for you. Only if they manage to save Potter, and that isn't going to happen."

He let go of my chin again and walked back to his dresser to continue getting dressed.

"But you've got me." He said. "I love you and no one will love you as much as I do."

I stared at him.

"What day is it?" I asked. "How long have I been here for?"

Theodore sighed and turned towards me while he buttoned his shirt.

"It's April first." He said, and my expression immediately dropped as well as my heart.

It was Fred and George's birthday.

Yet here I was.

"I was thinking that maybe it was time I brought home some clothes for you." He said and offered me a smile, but I just looked away. "Some underwear too, maybe. Must be tiring to walk around in the same outfit, huh?"

When I didn't answer, he walked closer to the bed again, brushing his knuckles over my cheekbone.

"Didn't hear a thank you."

I looked up and forced a smile at him.

"Thank you." I said in a whisper. If I ever wanted to get out of here, I needed to earn his trust so that he eventually would perhaps let me outside.

"You're welcome." He whispered and kissed my lips before leaving the room. "I'll make you breakfast!"

I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand before getting out of bed, walking out of the room and into the bathroom.

Shutting the door, I pulled the shorts of his that I wore, down, and sat on the toilet seat.

I reached behind the toilet where I hid one of the razor blades for his razor, and I looked down at my thighs that were full of fresh cuts from the previous days.

Each cut was refreshing, making me forget about everything else for just a moment.

My eyes were glued to each new cut as I dragged the razor blade across my skin. I watched the blood show on the surface and the feeling calmed me down.

When I felt like I had enough, I put the razor blade back behind the toilet. I cleaned up the blood and waited for the cuts to stop bleeding before I pulled my shorts back up and left the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen, the sleeves of the jumper pulled down over my hands.

"Can you bring home some cigarettes?" I asked and he turned his head to look at me.

"You smoke?"

I shrugged.

"Sometimes." I mumbled. "I'm not addicted or anything. I just like to have a cigarette from time to time."

He nodded, offering me a smile.

"Sure." He said. "I can bring you a pack. Though only if you're naked when I get home."

I stared at him for a moment, realising I had no choice.

Closing my eyes, I sighed. I didn't want to be naked in front of him more than I already had been, but I didn't have a choice.

I needed him to trust me.


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