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I continued to stare at Fred while Carter said something I didn't hear.

Maya was basically frozen at the end of the sofa, staring down at the sofa table, and George sat on the armrest, right next to where I had my head.

When Carter crouched down, I turned my attention to him.

"Does mum and dad know?" He asked. "Because they might want to be informed about this."

I didn't answer. The truth was that I didn't want my parents to find out about this.

Mum nearly killed me when I broke my rib a few years ago. I couldn't even imagine how she'd react to this.

Instead, I looked up at George.

"We both got hit with a dark spell." I grinned and held out a fist bump. "Twins."

Days prior to the wedding, George had been hit by a curse on a mission.

Apparently, there is this secret society called the order and on a mission to safely transfer Harry, George got hurt and lost the lower part of one of his ears.

George rolled his eyes at me but his fist bump hit mine and then I grinned.

"Kai..." Carter sighed, causing me to look at him. "...they've got no idea, have they?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. I've been fucking sleeping for the past week."

Carter then turned to George who immediately held up his hands in defence.

"None of us got any idea where to find your parents. They're not in the country and we couldn't exactly ask Kai."

Carter stood up.

"I'm getting them." He said before he stormed out of the house without another word.

Carter was angry. More than angry.

I looked at my little sister who looked at me with her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"You could've died." She spoke.

I sighed and tried to pull myself up to sit but George pushed me back down by pushing on my shoulders.

"Dammit, George!"

"You are not sitting up until you're starting to heal!" He argued and I fought his arms off of me before looking at Maya.

"Listen... I know. I could've died but I didn't. I am right here and I'm okay so please just go back to being an angry little sister who hates me."

"I don't hate you." She sighed. "I've always looked up to you."

I frowned.

"But you—" I groaned in pain as I had tried propping myself up on my elbows.

"Alright... you need to rest." George said. "Try and get some sleep. Freddie might be up when you wake up again."

I ignored him as I heard footsteps on the stairs and when I turned my head, I saw Kwan walk downstairs while holding Myeong.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Knowing that Myeong was alright, I could definitely go back to sleep.

When I woke up, the house was a lot more loud and busy. The Weasleys were crowding the house and I could hear Molly scold George over something in the kitchen.

I felt a hand hold mine and when I turned my head, I saw Fred sit on the floor by the sofa, resting his head against my rib cage.

He seemed to notice the change in breathing. He lifted his head and as his eyes met mine, he sat up straight while a smile spread across his face.

"Hey." He whispered, brushing a hand over my forehead and into my hair. "I can't believe you woke up while I was asleep on sleeping pills."

I laughed and reached a hand out to brush over his jaw, just studying his face and how pretty he looked.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the gaze wrapped around my stomach.

"I'm perfect." I whispered, causing him to look at me again.

"That, you are." He grinned, his hand finding mine, and he brought it up to his lips. "Never do that again, okay? I thought I had lost you."

I frowned.

"If I hadn't, it would've been you."

Fred nodded as he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Wouldn't that have been better?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"What? No!" I exclaimed, causing the house to immediately grow quiet. "What are you even talking about?!"

He shushed me, giving my hand a small squeeze.

"You were pregnant, Kai." He said and I didn't get to respond to that before I heard my name being cried out, followed by my mother rushing forwards.

My parents were here...

"Kyung-Hu!" Mum was obviously upset. Fred made room for her to sit on the edge of the sofa and I sighed as she ran a hand over my forehead. "When will you stop being so reckless?! We could've lost you!"

"Mi-Cha..." dad sighed. " you think this is the best time to yell at her? Look at her. She's tired and she was acting in defence of Fred."

Mum looked at Fred and now she looked even more upset, but this time upset with him.

Dad smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Congratulations on not dying." He joked. "But if you ever do that again, I'll be the cause of your death."

Mum looked at me again, sighing while trying to hold back even more years. She repeatedly brushed her knuckles over my cheek.

I turned my head and looked at Fred who sat on the floor, his knees bent, spread and his arms resting over them while he nervously bit his nails.

"What're you thinking?" I asked quietly, causing his eyes to flick to mine.

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Nothing." He said and offered a soft smile when I reached out my hand towards him.

He grabbed it, holding my hand in his and I couldn't help but smile when he gently swung our hands back and forth.

Dad eventually dragged mum out of the living room to get some fresh air and let Fred and I be alone.

Fred moved closer to the sofa, staring at my face while I smiled weakly at him.

"C'mon..." I breathed. "What's on your mind?"

"Us." He sighed, rubbing my hand continuously with his thumb. "I asked you to marry me before the wedding and then all of this happened and you got stabbed. It's—"

"Yes." I blurted, causing him to frown slightly at me.

"Yes?" He asked. "Yes, what?"

"I want to marry you."

Fred stared at me as if he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"No, Kai." He shook his head. "That isn't right. You're just saying that because you survived this. You haven't had time to think about it. You've been asleep ever since the day I asked!"

"Freddie..." I groaned. "I'm telling you I want to marry you!"

He shook his head again.

"I promised you time to think about it and I'd rather you take your time to figure it out than having you tell me you've changed your mind when we're planning our wedding."

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