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My heart was warm as we entered the entrance hall.

It was dark outside so the fire on the walls of the castle lit the corridors up. The sound of all the students speaking in their friend groups echoed through the walls.

We put our luggage in the entrance hall, before we made our way into the Great Hall.

Felix and Martha were in some deep discussion about quidditch. Felix plays for Ravenclaw. He's a chaser.

I had missed Hogwarts. Knowing that this would be my last year, kind of hurt though I was surrounded by my best friends, one of which were my boyfriend, so I was going to be alright.

Felix' hand slid down my arm to take my hand in his as we walked into the Great Hall.

I looked at him and smiled, placing my free hand on his arm as I turned him towards me.

"Hurry up lovebirds. I'm starving." Martha said from where she stood, waiting for me to follow her to the Gryffindor table.

"I'll see you after the feast." Felix smiled and I pulled him down so that I could kiss him.

He ran his hand to the nape of my neck, kissing me back for a moment before he pulled back.

"I'll see you." I nodded, my hand leaving his.

I winked at him before I turned around and walked to the Gryffindor table with Martha.

My eyes scanned the great hall as we sat down. They landed on a new person sitting at the staff table, wearing all pink with the fakest smile on her face.

"You reckon that's the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" I asked Martha. "They change that position out every year."

"Her name is Dolores Umbridge." Martha said, causing me to look at her.

She looked at the woman with pure disgust on her face.

"She works for the ministry. Father told me."

"You've seen your father?"

Martha's eyes landed on me and she gave a small nod but didn't say anything else.

She didn't have a great relationship with her parents. They're all Slytherin so when she was sorted into Gryffindor six years ago, they disowned her.

Now she lives with her mum's younger brother who too had been disowned for being in Gryffindor. Martha is much happier living with him and his wife.

I had no idea she had seen her father over the summer.

"Psst, Brooks."

I looked in the direction of the voice, my eyes landing on the twins who were both looking my way.

I cocked an eyebrow as I folded my arms in front of me on the table.

"Are you trying out for the team this year?" George asked. "We need a keeper."

Johnson was captain. There was no way I was going to try out for the team with her as the captain.

First of all, we don't get along. Second of all, she wouldn't even accept me on the team, and third of all, if she did accept me on the team, she'd kick me off before I could snap my fingers.

"See, that's a really tempting offer." I said, my voice full of sarcasm. "But I'm gonna have to go with no."

"Hey, why not? You can play, we need a keeper and we need to win." Fred said, sending me his usual charming smile.

"Yeah, well I don't know if you've noticed, but the captain and I aren't exactly friends. Oh, and my position is chaser, not keeper."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now