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Warning!: threats

It was dark outside once I returned home that night. I had been with the twins all day and I had also spend close to an hour getting to know their older brother.

When I got home, Carter was cooking and when he noticed me enter the kitchen, he let out a heavy breath.

"You never told me when you were going to be home."

I shrugged.

"Did I need to? I'm eighteen."

"I'd like to know where you are at night." He told me. "Do you want dinner?"

"No. I already ate. It's eleven o'clock, Carter."

My brother sighed loudly before he turned to look at me. He didn't say anything, just looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"What?" I asked. "For fuck sake, Carter. You're a year older than me. Stop acting like you're dad!"

"Dad? I just don't want you to be out at this time, Kai!" He raised his voice. "Who cares how old you are? You could be older than me and I'd still worry!"

I didn't know why he was acting like this. He looked almost panicked about the fact that I had been out late. He looked a lot like dad right now, an angry vein in his forehead and an identical one on his neck.

"Why do you worry about me all of a sudden?" I asked. "I was with Fred and George. We were at the shop, preparing the flat and I lost track of time."

Carter walked over to the windowsill in the kitchen and picked up an envelope.

"This arrived while you were out." He said, holding it up. "I don't recognise the hand writing but it's addressed to you."

I frowned.

"You read a letter addressed to me?" I asked. "You can't go through my post, Carter!"

I walked towards him but he held the envelope up so that I couldn't reach it.

"Back up, okay? You're not getting the letter."

"Carter!" I yelled out of frustration, jumping again to get the letter and when it didn't work, I kicked him in the shin which caused him to yelp out in pain.

As he dropped his arm, I slid the envelope from his fingers and sprinted out of the room and down the hallway towards the bathroom.

"Kai!" He yelled after me and I heard him chase me but he didn't get to catch up to me.

I locked myself in the bathroom, my brother yelling at banging his fist against the door while I sat down on the toilet seat and pulled out the letter.

I unfolded it and bit down on my lip as I read the letter through and the further I got, the more my eyebrows fell into a frown.

I read it over and over again while Carter continued to shout outside of the 9

Folding the piece of parchment, I sat up straight and let out a deep breath. I stood up and stared at the door for a moment before unlocking it.

My brother almost knocked me out but his eyes landed on me and then he lowered his arm.

"So what?" I asked, showing the letter into my pocket. "Some idiot threatened to rape and murder me and that causes you to worry?"

"Well of course it makes me worry!"

"It's just some idiot's idea of a joke." I said and pushed past him, ignoring the nervous feeling in my stomach because of the threat in those letters.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now