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I was reading in bed that same night when Fred walked into the room, shutting the door behind him.

I didn't look up but I didn't say anything either.

He threw something at me and I jumped, eyes landing on the bag of crisps in front of me.

I looked up at Fred and he nodded towards the bag before pulling his shirt off, getting ready for bed.

"Oh, no thanks—"

"You're eating it." He said immediately, raising his eyebrows at me. "We don't have anything else... George's going grocery shopping tomorrow, so you'll eat that bag of crisps until you're full."

Rolling my eyes, I marked the page in my book and put it down, then grabbed the bag of crisps, opening it.

"See... there you go." Fred smiled, unbuttoning his jeans. "Good girl."

I looked at him.

"Don't call me that."

"No?" He asked, tilting his head at me. "What do you want me to call you then?"

"I want you to shut up." I muttered, throwing a few crisps into my mouth.

Fred cocked one eyebrow at me, approaching the bed with his trousers left open.

"Did you tell me to shut up?" He asked, grabbing my chin in his hand, and I looked up at him.

"I wouldn't have to tell you if you just did it."

Fred looked amused, leaning down to kiss my forehead before letting go of me.

"Eat the crisps, pretty girl." He smiled. "I'll get you something to drink."

He turned around and walked to the door and I narrowed my eyes at his back.

"See, that's the thing, Freddie..." I said and he stopped in the doorway, turning slightly to look back at me. "...when you keep telling me to eat the crisps, I suddenly don't want to eat them anymore."

"Kai, eat the crisps!" He pointed at the bag as I went to put it down but instead of doing what he told me to, I continued to put it down. "Kai, I will count to three."

I gave him a challenging look, my arms crossed over my arms.


I raised my eyebrows and so did he, telling me he was serious.


I didn't respond. I stared at him just like he stared at me.

"Oh for fuck sake." He cursed before he came sprinting towards the bed, and I shrieked while throwing myself down on the mattress.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me!" I screamed as laughter filled the room, coming all the way from my stomach.

We were both laughing and then he was on top of me, the both of us fighting for dominance, but Fred was definitely stronger than me.

"Give up already, lovely." He laughed, keeping my hands pinned on either side of my head while he straddled my waist.

"This isn't fair!" I exclaimed. "You're twice the size of me!"

"Am not!" He argued. "You reach my chin, Kai. You're not that short."

"I was talking about weight!" I shouted at him. "Size. You're a lot broader, a lot bigger in size and you're gonna crush my fucking hips if you don't get off!"

He smirked down at me, sliding his hands into mine instead of holding my wrists.

"Are you gonna eat the crisps?" He asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I was going to eat them either way. I was just fucking with you."

"Oh you were just fucking with me?" He mocked. "Not being your stubborn self?"

"I'm not stubborn."

"...is what a stubborn person would say."

I rolled my eyes and once again tried to fight him off. I laughed, feeling extremely happy for the first time since Kwan's passing.

I lifted my torso slightly, trying to tip him off of me, but Fred smiled and ducked his head, catching my lips with his.

Immediately my body relaxed.

He slipped a hand to my jaw and I hooked an arm around his neck.

Fred was still holding my other hand, keeping it pinned to the mattress, but when he slid it down to sneak it under my shirt, I moved the hand up and moved it through his hair.

"Fuck." He breathed against my lips, pressing me down against the mattress again.

His hand found my bare breast, squeezing it while he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

His hand slid away from my chest, to my back, running up and down my skin while his nose nudged at my cheek.

I ran my hands down to push his open trousers down, but that was when Fred pulled back, grabbing my wrists.

"Eat the crisps." He whispered with a smirk. "Then maybe I'll consider fucking you."

"Fred!" I gasped when he backed away to continue pulling off his trousers.

"Eat the crisps, Kai."

"You're a fucking prick." I cursed and grabbed the bag of crisps, staring him down while I ate.

Fred just got ready for bed as if I wasn't there, as if I wasn't killing him with my eyes.

"Hey, where're we spending Christmas?" He asked. "My family or yours?"

"Yours." I said without thinking, causing Fred to look at me.

"You don't want to spend Christmas with your family this year?" He asked. "We spent with mine last year."

I sighed.

"So? I'm not spending Christmas with my family." I laughed.

Fred's eyes were glued to me before he made his way over to the bed.

"Okay." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "We'll stay with my parents for the holidays."

I smiled weakly I'm up at him.

"Can we go get married before then?" I asked. "I want to marry you as soon as possible. Just the two of us at the ministry."

"Yeah?" He asked, running his hands to my jaw, cupping either side of my face. "Is that what you want?"

I nodded.

"But only if you want it."

He smiled.

"All I want is to be married to you." He said. "We can go get married at the ministry. We do need witnesses though."

"Of course." I nodded. "We can ask George and Lee. Perhaps Angie and Martha as well."

"Okay." Fred grinned. "We can talk more about it tomorrow. I'm exhausted."

He walked over to turn off the lights, then walked back and crawled into the bed, sighing once he was comfortable beneath the duvet.

"So no sex?" I asked, seeing him open one eye to look at me.

"I don't see you being finished with your crisps."

"Seriously?" I asked. "Freddie, c'mon. You can't start something and then go to bed. You're doing it on purpose."

He closed his eye again, chuckling at my comment.

"Maybe I am... maybe I'm not."

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