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"Just one drink, Freddie."

I tugged on his arm, pouting up at me while he kept me away from the alcohol.

"You're not drinking." He told me. "You'll get drunk and who knows what way you're gonna hurt your fresh scar when you're dancing around and jumping people."

I rolled my eyes, slipping my arms around his waist, looking up at him.

"I don't jump people." I whispered and he leaned down to brush his nose against mine.

"Yes you do." He nodded. "If you're drunk enough."

"Kai!" A voice sang and I stepped back from Fred to see Angie make her way over with two shot glasses. "Do a shot with me!"

She tried to hand me one of them but Fred held out a hand to shield the glass from me.

"Kai isn't drinking tonight. She's still on bed rest."

"I'm not on bed rest." I sighed. "I'm fined Freddie. I can do a shot."

"Yeah, listen to your girlfriend. She can do a shot." Angie grinned at Fred who rolled his eyes. "Oh c'mon. You're supposed to be her boyfriend, not her dad. Kai's a big girl. I'm sure she can handle herself."

"Exactly! I can handle myself!" I spoke. "Angie, hand me the shot."

Angie smirked at me and Fred sighed, lowering his hand.

I grabbed the shot glass and downed it, making a face at the sour taste.

"Let's get some more." Angie said and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to the kitchen counter where George had put all the drinks he bought today. "How does it feel to be alive after surviving a knife to the abdomen?"

I snorted and shook my head as Angie poured us something to drink.

"I dunno." I shrugged and looked towards Fred who was leaning against the wall, observing the people drinking and dancing around the flat. "I'm grateful that I didn't drop dead but besides that, I don't feel any kind of way."

Angie handed me a glass and I looked down at it.

"It's Bacardi." She told me, and I gave a small nod before taking a sip.

"We should get Freddie to loosen up and get something to drink." I said. "He's been too worried lately and he could need one night to just get drunk and forget everything."

Angie grinned.


She grabbed another glass and filled it with Fred's favourite type of alcohol.


She smiled as she walked over to Fred with the glass, and I watched them interact while drinking my Bacardi.

Fred sighed at Angie and tilted his head back in annoyance before looking towards me.

He raised his eyebrows and I simply shrugged, smirking while lifting my glass again.

Eventually, he took the glass and Angie turned to me, giving me thumbs up with an enthusiastic smile.

I laughed and my eyes met Fred's as he took a sip. I tilted my head, winking at him while downing the rest of the liquid in my glass.

Then an arm swung around my neck and I flinched, then noticed it was just Martha.

"I am so fucking horny." She groaned, letting go of me again to hang over the counter. "Carter isn't even here yet."

"You are not screwing my brother in this flat!" I said. "If you want to have sex, you can go do it against a wall in Diagon alley, but my flat is a sex-free zone... except if it's Fred and I."

Martha chuckled.

"Or Angelina and George." She nodded in a direction and I looked over to see Angie now making out heavily with George.

After a few more drinks, I was feeling extremely happy, laughing with Martha about when we were younger.

We were both leaning against the counter and from time to time, one of us would trip and almost fall and we would just laugh our arses off.

"Felix was so ugly back then!" She cried with laughter and so did I as I thought back.

"Braces did not suit him!" I shook my head, wiping the tears from my eyes. "He looked horrible!"

"I can't believe you dated him!"

"I can't believe you fucked him!" I argued back as we continued to laugh. "What the fuck were we thinking?"

"I've no idea." She sighed heavily, downing another glass.

I looked towards Fred who seemed to be awfully drunk as well. He had taken off his shirt and was throwing a ball to Lee who was throwing it back.

"I want weed." I muttered, downing my whiskey before putting the glass down, sliding around the kitchen island, and when I looked back at Martha, she had slid down to the floor, passed out.

"Oh..." I muttered, considering waking her up but then I waved it off and made my way towards the bedroom.

I stumbled into the doorframe, hitting my shoulder against the wood, and a small whimper left my mouth, but I continued, rubbing my shoulder as I walked.

I dropped to my knees by the bed and found the box where everything was.

I rolled myself a joint before crawling onto the bed and with the use of my wand, I lit it.

"Kai!" I heard Fred sing as I took a puff of the joint. "Baby, I miss you!"

He showed up in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He sighed. "Don't smoke without me."

I giggled as I crawled off the bed with the joint hanging between my lips.

"Let's go join the others." I said, removing it from my lips and blowing the smoke into his face.

My hand found his and then I danced my way into the living room while dragging him with me.

I felt him slip his arms around my waist and pulled me right back into his chest, causing me to laugh.

He grabbed the joint from my hand and brought it up to his own lips and I tilted my head back to see him blow smoke into the air.

"Oh that's fucking amazing." He breathed as he closed his eyes, and I saw his Adam's apple bop when he lowered he joint to my lips.

He spun me around once I grabbed it again and he watched me take a puff. I closed my eyes as I let the smoke out from between my lips.

Another puff and then he took it from me again. This time though, he grabbed me by the throat and pulled me closer, leaning down to blow the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me.

The joint rested between his fingers while his other hand grabbed onto my hip.

He moved away, smirking down at me while taking another puff.

"You want it, eh?" He whispered, raising his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I grinned. "The weed or your dick?"

"Oh.." he laughed, taking another puff before blowing the smoke into my face.

I reached up to take it from his hand, but he switched it to his other hand, taking a puff before he placed his free hand against the back of my head, fingers getting tangled in my hair.

He pulled me closer and once again blew the smoke into my mouth before kissing me.

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