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Warning!: stalking (kinda?)

I sat at the table, my head on the palm of my hand as I watched Carter hold our new little brother while mum and dad watched them interact.

Mum and dad had just gotten home from St. Mungo's with the baby. He was very light skinned which was usual when the baby was new, but he was the same shade as Carter from what I had seen on pictures and Carter turned out to just be light skinned overall.

Though, the baby had a mix between both mum and dads features.

"What are you naming him?" I asked, earning the attention of everyone, though Carter just shortly glanced at me before looking down at our brother again.

"Myeong." Mum told me. "It means an honest and clever person."

She looked at my little brother.

"Myeong Kwan Brooks."

"Kwan?" Carter asked while I frowned slightly, remembering my oldest brother who was cut off from the family.

I had seen Kwan a lot of times after I stayed with him when mum kicked me out, though it had to be kept a secret so no one but Fred and George knew.

"Yes." Mum nodded. "Kwan as his middle name."

"I thought you hated Kwan." I said, causing mum to look at me again.

"Hate Kwan? Of course I don't hate him. He'll always be my son." She said. "I was a child when I had him and things didn't go as they should've while he was growing up, but not one day passes where I don't regret the way I treated him."

I stood up quickly, causing my dad to especially look at me weirdly.

"I need to go." I said and now they all looked at me again.

"Now?" Mum asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "And I'm sure Myeong would need some sleep anyways. I just have to run a few errands. I won't be long."

I hurried into the hallway to push into my shoes and once I left the house, my dad came walking after me.

"You are not going to see Kwan right now." His voice caused me to turn around to see him close the front door behind him, walking down the few steps.

"You heard mum! She misses him. Kwan can come home and we don't have to be a broken family anymore."

"Kai, that is not what your mother said."

"It's what she meant!"

"Is it?" He asked. "Your mother wasn't the one who kicked him out. That's the story she's told but Kwan chose to leave."

"I know!" I exclaimed. "Because mum was manipulative! He thinks she wants nothing to do with him but if I tell him what mum just said, maybe he'll come back to the family."

Dad shook his head.

"Not right now, Kai. Your mother just had a baby. If you invite Kwan back, the two are going to go straight back to fighting and he'll leave once again. The two will make even more damage than before."


"Why are you suddenly so fixated on fixing everything?" Dad asked. "It's not your job to fix the relationship between Kwan and your mother."

"Well, no one else is doing it." I said. "I'm leaving and I'm legally allowed to without your permission."

I apparated and a second later, I stood outside of Kwan's front door.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to open which he did only a couple of seconds later.

His eyes landed on me and he sighed.

"She did not kick you out again, did she?"

I shook my head.

"She just had a baby." I said, which caused his eyebrows to raise. "His name is Myeong Kwan. Kwan because of you."

Kwan opened the door fully and stepped aside, allowing me to come inside. I took off my shoes and then followed him into the kitchen.

"Do you want some tea?" He asked.

I thanked yes and after he made it, we sat on the sofa in the living room.

"So she named a baby after me..." he said. " what? She's probably experiencing guilt of some kind."

"Yes!" I nodded. "She does! She said that you're still her son, that she regrets treating you the way she did."

Kwan took a sip of his tea as he looked at me and then he seemed to realise something.

"So that's why you're here." He said. "Kyung-Hu... I haven't been in mum's life since I was eighteen and I have no interest of becoming a part of it again."


"I'm happy in my own life. I'm happy with my fiancé, with her family and I'm happy with just getting to have you, Carter and Maya in my life again, but Mi-Cha? No."

"She's not Mi-Cha. She's mum."

"To you, she is, but I haven't spoken one word to that woman since I left." He said. "Listen... I am happy that you can have her in your life and congratulations on your little brother, but I don't want any part of her life and I hope you can at least try to understand that."

I sighed and looked down at my tea before taking a sip.

"I do understand." I told him. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise." He offered me a smile.

I sat and talked with Kwan for a while while drinking my tea and then I decided to go home.

Though instead of apparating, I decided to walk a little, otherwise I would be home rather quickly and have to tell mum where I went, while having to listen to dad again.

I pushed my hands into my pockets as I walked, chewing on my bottom lip.

I wanted Kwan to have a relationship with mum but I understood why he couldn't, why he wouldn't.

A sound caused me to turn around quickly, narrowing my eyes as the street behind me was empty.

It had sounded like very fast footsteps.

Sighing, I shook my head at myself and continued walking but then I heard the fast steps again and I turned back around.

Still no one.

You are losing your mind, Kai.

I turned back around and pulled my hands from my pockets while I continued to walk, speeding up a little.

Once again I could hear the footsteps and I started feeling a little uneasy. This time I didn't turn around to look. I continued to speed up and the footsteps did as well.

My heart was racing and then I thought about that letter again.

I stopped and quickly turned around to try and see who it was, and this time I did see a person.

I didn't see who it was.

A tall person stood further down the street, black clothing, a hood pulled up over the head, hiding the face from view.


I pulled out my wand and the person started running towards me but I immediately apparated, landing at the exact place I had in mind.

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