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It was Friday.

The school year was over and my sister was coming home after her fourth year.

I was going home to see her and to see my family for dinner.

I was home alone right now. The twins were down in the shop like usually, getting it ready to open sometime during the summer.

I had gotten a few letters from Theodore, trying to confirm time and place but I ignored it. I wasn't going to go eat dinner with him tomorrow. He was acting really weird and I didn't feel comfortable talking to him at the moment.

I didn't understand why he was being so odd. I had known him my entire life — from the day I was born.

He and his brothers had always been family friends and when Felix and I started dating, he became my boyfriend's older brother.

It was just—

My thoughts got interrupted at the sound of an owl tapping the window and as I turned, I saw Theodore's owl with yet another letter.

Sighing, I put down my cup of tea and walked over to the window, pushing it open.

"Hi Sugar." I smiled at the familiar owl and held out my and. She flew onto it and let me carry her inside.

I took the letter from her and gave her something to eat while I opened the letter and read it.

Rolling my eyes, I threw it out. Another attempt of him trying to confirm tomorrow.

Once Sugar had eaten, I carried her back to the window and she flew away. I shut the window and went back to my tea, drinking what was left of it before I walked down to the shop.

George was painting the register without the use of magic which was a surprise, but I couldn't locate Freddie anywhere.

"Have you seen your brother?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.

George looked up and flashed a smile when he saw me.

"Which one? I have five."

"Which brother do you think? The one you share a face with."

He laughed softly and nodded down towards the offices.

"Thanks." I breathed, approaching the register. "Dark blue, huh?"

He glanced at me while continuing to paint the register blue.

"Do you need any help?"

George shook his head.

"No need. I know you have to leave soon and I'm sure you don't want to get paint all over your clothes." He said. "Fred's in his office, setting it up the way he wants it."

"Alright. Have fun painting." I smiled before making my way down to the offices.

I knocked on Fred's door before opening it, seeing him bent over a box of items on his desk.

"Hi handsome." I smiled, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey pretty girl." He grinned. "Getting bored upstairs?"

"A little." I shrugged, approaching him. "He just sent another letter."

Fred immediately looked up, our eyes meeting and then he straightened up, sighing.

"Same kind?"

I nodded.

"He wants me to confirm time and place." I said. "But I'm not going to reply."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now