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This chapter is very soft just so you're prepared.


After I met my brothers fiance, I went out with Fred after Kwan assured me it was alright.

Fred took me to these old ruins where I walked on top of an old and broken wall, my arms out to either side while he sat in the grass and watched me.

"Should I be concerned?" He chuckled. "You've been humming that melody for at least five minutes now."

"My mum is pregnant." I stated. "Maybe it's just her hormones that makes her hate me."

The sun was shining down at us and the sky was clear, a beautiful light blue colour.

The dress I was wearing was flowing slightly in the wind and my hair was too. I closed my eyes and just got a moment, it felt like I was flying.

"She's pregnant?" Fred asked. "You'll have a new sibling... congratulations, but that isn't an excuse to call you a whore."

I sighed and opened my eyes, looking down at Fred in the grass. He looked so beautiful, sitting there, leaning back on his hands, his legs spread with one eye closed due to the sun, the other one focused on me.

"It's Felix' fault, really—"

"Kai." Fred cut me off. "It isn't Felix' fault that your mother slut shamed you. That's on her."

I spun around once, feeling the wind hit against my skin as I let out a small giggle.

"I love my mother, Freddie."

"Of course you do."

Sighing, I ran my hands into my hair, staring off into the distance. The nature was beautiful here and I was happy that he had brought me.

"But she's always compared me to Carter." I said. "He's the smarter brother, the one who achieved everything and I never achieved anything he did. Now I've dropped out and that only disappointed her more. Then she saw that pornographic picture of me and it just boiled over."

I closed my eyes again, through my head back as I outstretched my arms by my sides again.

"I know that feeling." Fred sighed. "George and I've always had to hear from mum about our older brothers. Did you know she threw out some of our products because she doesn't want us to open that shop?"

I quickly looked at Fred who was fumbling with a camera in his hands and I noticed that the small sounds I had heard not long ago, had been him taking a picture of me.

"She threw them out?"

Fred nodded.

"Also, now that we're on the topic of parents, I should be honest with you." He sighed, shaking his head. "My mum isn't that happy with the idea of you."

With a small frown, I sat down on the wall and then jumped into the grass.

"What do you mean by that?"

Fred looked up at me as I stood over him and he laid back in the grass, taking a picture of me from that angle.

"You pierced my ear. She thinks you're a bad influence."

"You wanted me to pierce it."

"And I told her that, but in her eyes you pushed a needle through the ear of one of her sons."

I sighed.

Freddie's mum didn't like me.

"And your mother thinks I'm a bad influence." He said, propping himself up with his elbows, still holding that stupid camera.

I placed my right foot in the other side of his legs before leaning down to straddle his hips.

"Well, you are..." I whispered, placing a hand against the nape of his neck while my other hand grabbed the camera from him, and as I did, he placed his hand on my waist.


"Uh-huh." I nodded, biting my lip before leaning in to kiss him gently, running my left hand down his chest.

His nose dug into my cheek as he kissed me back passionately, our lips moving together slowly.

I loved moments like these. Those soft moments where it was just the two of us.

I pulled back a little, resting my head against his forehead, smiling cheekily at him.

"Maybe we should run away." I whispered. "Far away from everything and everyone. No parents, no one to tell us if we can or can't date each other."

Fred tilted his chin up to catch my lips in a quick kiss and then smiled before kissing me again just as quickly.

"Where would we run off too?" He whispered back, kissing me for a third time.

I chuckled, nudging my nose against his while staring down at his lips, noticing the very few freckles across his nose.

"I've always wanted to go to Denmark."

"Denmark?" He asked softy right before I kissed him. "That wasn't far away."

Chuckling, I shook my head.

"Or Italy." I told him, kissing him again, and he tilted his chin up to catch my lips in another kiss right after.

"And what would we do in Italy?" I could feel his fingers ghost over the skin on my arm, his other hand still on my waist.

"We'd eat pizza." I said before we exchanged a chuckle.

"What else?" He whispered, his eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips.

"We'd get a place together." I said, my voice soft as I dragged my fingers past his neck. "We'd stay in bed 'till noon before cooking some food together. We'd eat it on our small balcony. We'd just spend the entire day in our little place, having loads of sex—"

We both laughed.

"—and in the evening, we'd go for a walk together, hand in hand." I whispered. "It would be perfect."

Fred smiled up at me, kissing me again.

"We should do that one day." He said, throwing his head back to get some of his hair out of his face.

He leaned back on his hands again, admiring my face with his eyes that looked very light under the sun.

"I'd like that." I smiled.

"Once this is all over, we'll be going to Italy together." He nodded. "And that's a promise."

I tilted my head.

"Once what is over?"

"The war, obviously."

Then my eyebrows fell into a frown as I watched him realise he knew something I didn't.

He cleared his throat.

"You know he's back, Kai. Harry made that clear when Diggory died."

"Oh..." I muttered, pulling at my bottom lip with my thumb and my index finger. " think that means war?"

Fred shrugged.

"Probably." He said. "But hey... we shouldn't worry about that right now. If it ends up in war, we'll win and then we'll go to Italy."

I smiled widely, leaning in to kiss him one again and this time he didn't let me pull away again.

He ran a hand to the nape of my neck, moving his lips hungrily against my own, his nose brushing my cheekbone.

Everything was absolutely perfect and I already couldn't wait for Italy.

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