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Fred did what he promised me.

He walked me home.

Well, apparated me home.

We both stood outside as I stared up at my house with Fred next to me. I could feel his eyes on me. He was trying to read my expression.

I was chewing on my bottom lip.

I didn't know how easy telling my dad would be. I knew I had to tell him about that letter and about the person who almost attacked me last night.

"Do you need me to do it with you?"

I shook my head.

"Are you gonna get it done if I don't?" He asked, causing me to let out a quiet chuckle while I glanced at him.

"Probably not."

"Guess that's settled then." He smiled and slid his hand into mine. "I'm helping you tell him."

"No... Fred." I protested but he was already dragging me up towards the front door.

He knocked on the door and I sighed, standing there next to him.

"Is your mum home?" He asked me. "Because she might want to know why we need to talk to your dad."

I shook my head.

"She's got a shift at the hospital."

"Okay." He said softly, giving my shoulder a nudge and when I looked at him, he gave me a smile of reassurance. "It'll be okay. He's your dad."

"He'll judge me."

"For what? For having a stalker?"

"I don't have a—"

"You do have a stalker."

"I don't—" my sentence got cut short as the door opened, revealing my dad who stood there as tall as always and when he saw Fred, he broke into a smile.

"Look at your being all gentleman like, bringing my daughter home." He said with a teasing tone, then turned to me. "Kai... we will talk about your behaviour and—"

"I'm sorry Mr Brooks." Fred cut him off and my dad raised his eyebrows at him. "Kai has something important that you need to know."

Dad narrowed his eyes at the both of us before allowing us to enter the house.

"Fred?" He asked while closing the door behind us.

"Yes, sir?"

"Did you get my daughter pregnant?"

"Dad!" I exclaimed. "I'm not bloody pregnant!"

Dad laughed and held up his hands in defence before he walked past us and into the living room.

I exchanged a glance with Fred who held back a laugh while biting down on his tongue. I scoffed and let go of his hand, following my dad into the living room.

Dad took a seat in his favourite corner of the sofa and I sat down in the armchair, pulling my legs up to fold them while Fred sat down on the armrest of the armchair.

"Alright... spill." Dad said, eyes focused on me.

I looked up at Fred who once again sent me a reassuring smile and with a heavy breath leaving my mouth, I looked at my dad.

I noticed Carter out of the corner of my eye, leaning against the doorframe to the hallway to listen to the conversation.

"Something happened last night after I left Kwan's flat." I told my dad. "Something that made me run to Fred and I stayed the night there because I was really shook up."

This was extremely hard to say. I didn't even want to tell my dad but I knew I had to tell someone other than Fred.

"Yes?" Dad sat up straight and placed his elbows on his knees while folding his hands together.

"This guy followed me down the street and just before I apparated, he started running towards me." I said. "Then he found me in Diagon Alley and chased me through the streets. He broke the door to Fred's shop and almost attacked me but he ran off when he saw Fred."

My dad's expression turned into pure worry as he sat up straighter and at the same time, Carter pushed himself off the doorframe and fully stepped into the room.

"And I also received a letter a few days ago." I added. "Someone threatened to rape and murder me and I think that may have been that person."

Dad looked towards Carter and I noticed Fred turn his head to look at him as well, only having noticed his presence first.

"A few days?" dad asked and looked at me again. "Why are you only saying this now? If you had told me right away, I could've done something."

I took a deep breath.

"You were at St. Mungo's with mum. You were having a baby. It didn't seem that important."

"She insisted that it was a stupid joke that some idiot had made." Carter said and then I heard Fred snicker.

I looked at Fred and saw him look at Carter who watched Fred with accusing eyes.

"What — you think I wrote it?" Fred asked.

"Maybe." Carter shrugged. "You and your brother. You both seem very fond of messing with people."

"Yeah, with things like dungbombs but threatening to rape and murder someone? Let alone my girlfriend? You're a daft fucking idiot."

"Carter." Dad said. "Go upstairs. I'm having a conversation with Fred and your sister and you don't need to be a part of it."

Carter glanced at dad before glaring at Fred and then he turned around and walked out of the room.

"We're going down to the ministry." Dad said, causing me to look at him quickly.


"And we'll report it to the Aurors." He added and then sighed when he saw my expression. "Kai... do you realise how much danger you could be in if this person is serious? Something needs to be done."

"And that's why I came to you!" I hurried to say. "I don't want to report it, dad."

He sighed.

"Sleep on it, darling. Think about what would be best." He said. "I can't force you to do anything but I'd like it if you decided to report it."

Dad stood up and shook his head as he walked into the kitchen.

I stared forward with my eyebrows in a small frown and when Fred wrapped an arm around me, I leaned into his touch.

"I don't want to report it." I repeated to him, closing my eyes.

"Why not?"

"Because what if they can't catch whoever it is? What if he learns that I reported it and comes for me again?"

"And what if you don't report it and he actually hurts you?" Fred asked softly as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I think you should do it. I want you to be safe."

I tilted my head back a little and looked up at Fred who watched my face with a soft expression.

"Can you stay a little?" I asked.

"Of course."

"And the night too?" I asked. "I don't want to be alone in my room."

Fred nodded and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Do you want to meet my little brother?" I asked. "He's really cute."

A smile spread across Fred's lips and a small chuckle escaped him.


Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now