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Everything was happening so fast.

It was pitch black outside and the castle was noisy as everyone rushed around to prepare for a battle.

People were out in the courtyard, shooting spells at the sky to create a bubble to protect us and spare us time.

Fred, George and I were up on a balcony, looking out at the sky. My arm was wrapped around Fred's, and I leaned against his shoulder.

"You okay, Freddie?" George asked and nudged Fred with his elbow.

Fred exhaled, then glanced at him.


George smiled weakly.

"Me too." He said before looking at me, and I just gave a small nod to tell him that I was okay as well.

"Are you?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Of course I am."

Fred then looked down at me and he pressed a kiss to my head.

"You should've stayed home."

I shook my head before my eyes landed on my brother down in the courtyard.

"I have to—"

"No." Fred grabbed into my hand when I went to leave the balcony.

I flinched at his quick action, and looked at him, my eyes wide.

"I wasn't kidding around. Stay by my side, I said."

I let out a laugh.

"Then come with me. My fucking brother is here!"

George stayed on the balcony while Fred and I walked down through the castle until we met Carter in the entrance hall.

When he saw me, he froze and then he dropped his wand to the floor out of shock.

I teared up before I ran towards him and he started walking fast, meeting me in a hug as I swung my arms around his neck.

"Oh my god!" He exclaimed, spinning me around. "I thought you were dead!"

He put me down and grasped my face, pushing hair out of my hair to look at me.

"Kai, how— where've you been?! You disappeared and we didn't hear a word! None of you were there. You... the Weasleys. Mum and dad are grieving. We all assumed you were dead!"

I cried as I shook my head.

"I'm so sorry. They went into hiding but I was—" I couldn't say it. "...I'm sorry."

Carter shook his head and pulled me into another hug, pressing a kiss to my head.

"I'm just happy you're okay." He said, squeezing me gently before pulling back to look at me again.

"Is mum and dad here?" I asked. "Maya?"

Carter shook his head.

"Maya left with the train earlier. Mum and dad are home with Myeong."

"Okay." I breathed and then there was a bang, followed by the ground and the walls shaking.

"What was that?" Carter asked while Fred rushed over to the door and opened it to look out.

Then he shook a step back.

"It's falling apart." He said. "The bubble is falling apart. They'll be able to get in at any time now."

Fred grabbed my hand and started dragging me up the stairs and Carter followed.

It wasn't long until death eaters invaded the castle and spells were thrown here and there.

We ran for it and if anyone dared to even look out way, Fred would blast them through the air or Carter would lift them into the air and drop them over the edge of the stairs.

We ended up in the seventh floor corridor, attacking and getting attacked by death eaters.

I screamed when the wall behind me got blasted into a thousand pieces but then I sent the guy flying through the opposite wall.

Somehow, Carter got lost from us, but Fred and I were side by side until we found Percy who were all alone, fighting against a death eater.

As he sent the guy flying through the hole in the wall and into the courtyard, Fred and I stopped, realising that was the last person up here, that we'd get a moment of peace.

Percy turned towards us, glancing at me before looking at Fred.

"Well would you look at that." Fred grinned. "Dear Percy is all alone up here."

Percy rolled his eyes at him and took a deep breath.

"It's good seeing you Fred." He said and took a step towards us, before looking at me. "Welcome to the family. Congratulations to the both of you."

Neither of us got to reply before a death eater came running, screaming as he threw a curse at us.

It almost hit Fred but I threw up a shield and threw one back, but death eaters kept coming and suddenly we were three fighting against a whole lot of them.

A spell hit me and I let out a yelp as I almost fell. It had hit my bad arm and a blood stain was slowly appearing on my white jumper.

"Kai!" Fred shouted as he started shielding me from the spells. "You okay?!"

"I'm fine!" I assured him before I went back to protecting myself so he didn't have to.

We backed up down the corridor, the three of us continuing to fight.

I was sweating, my arm was hurting, I was out of breath but I just kept going even when I started feeling faint.

We got rid of the death eaters and as no more came towards us, someone else did.

Minister Thicknesse appeared, pausing when he saw three of us with our wands raised.

"Hello, minister!" Percy spoke as he sent a jinx towards the minister who immediately dropped his wand and started grasping at his cloak as if he was deeply uncomfortable. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

Fred immediately snickered and at the same time, I couldn't help but smile.

"You're joking, Perce!" Fred gasped with laughter just as he sent three stunning spells as a death eater.

Fred looked at Percy and at the same time, I sent a death eater through the wall and down the stairs on the other side.

"You actually are joking, Perce..." Fred continued, seeming awfully happy about it. "...I don't think I've heard you joke since you were—"

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