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"Are you upset with me?"

I shook my head, staring down at my textbook as I studied in the library. Fred was leaning against a chair on the other side of the table.

"Kai, you obviously are."

"Oh really?" I laughed. "Go on. Tell me what else I am."

"Kai..." he sighed and I looked up at him. "...why are you mad at me? I locked it up. How was I supposed to know that someone was going to break into the nightstand?!"

I just shook my head and looked down at my textbook again, continuing writing my essay.

"Kai." He spoke, reaching over to grab my hand but instead he accidentally spilled my ink all over my textbook.

I gasped as I stood up, pushing the chair back.


"Oh... shit. I'm sorry. That was an accident. I—"

"Just leave." I groaned, reaching for some tissues to try and clean up the ink.

Fred stayed in the same spot.

"I want to be alone!" I exclaimed, looking at him. "Can you please just leave?!"

A silence fell over the library before the sound of steps approached and there stood madam Pince.

"What do you think you two are doing?" She asked. "This is a library. If you are going to yell, walk outside."

"I'm sorry." I said and she simply nodded before she walked away again.

"Here, let me—"

"No." I held up a hand to stop Fred from touching my textbook. "I was almost finished with it and I have to turn it in tomorrow and now I have to start all over because you ruined it."

"It was an accident."

"Yeah, just like you losing that picture of me."

"I didn't lose it! Someone stole it!" He tried to keep his voice down. "Do you really think I would put you in this situation on purpose?"

Rolling my eyes, I gathered my stuff and made my way out of the library with Fred following me.

"Kai, I am talking to you!"

He grabbed my arm and I turned to look at him.

"It doesn't really matter if you did it on purpose or not." I said. "The entire school is laughing at me."

"Well, I'll fucking kill anyone who makes a comment about—"

"I can't go anywhere in this castle without stumbling across someone who's seen that photo. They look at me and they laugh and all I can think about is how they've seen my tits while being in that position. It's so fucking embarrassing!"

He tilted his head as he watched me with sad eyes, taking a step towards me which caused me to take one back.

"Kai, c'mon." He sighed. "I don't understand why you're upset with me. I did nothing wrong."

"I'm not upset with you!" I yelled. "I'm just upset!"

"And I get that but you're taking it out on me!" He raised his voice.

"I am not!"

Fred ran both of his hands through his hair, letting out a laugh. He leaned his head back, letting his hands run over his face before he looked at me again.

"You think I did it on purpose, don't you?" He asked. "That's why you're upset with me."

"I'm not—"

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now