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Warning!: suicide attempt and mention of rape

I was sitting in the corner of the bathroom, crying my eyes out with my arms wrapped around my knees.

He was gone for a few hours so I finally had time to let it all out.

I couldn't be in myself right now. I needed Fred. I missed him so much and I couldn't stand this anymore.

I was pregnant. I had just found out a few days ago with a test that Theodore got me.

My birthday had also passed and we were at the end of April. I was twenty years old and I hadn't gotten to celebrate with anyone but the guy who kidnapped me.

I had been here for a month and I was going more and more crazy. I had gotten addicted to harming myself and I had also gotten addicted to cigarettes.

"Dammit!" I heard Theodore shout as he got home and I immediately stopped crying, wiping my cheeks. "Kai! Where're you?!"

I quickly got to my feet, opening the door to see Theodore at the end of the hallway.

"Why're you crying?" He asked. He seemed irritated.

"I-I'm not. I'm sorry. I just... I poked myself in my eye. It's nothing."

He scoffed, muttering something while kicking off his shoes.

"I bought something." He said, gesturing me to get into the living room, so I did.

I walked in there and sat down on the sofa while he approached me with the bag in his hand.

"It's for the baby." He said, pulling out a small white onesie. "Since we don't know the gender yet, I figured white was fitting. What do you think?"

He handed me the onesie and I looked at it, sighing. "It's cute."

"Right?" He smiled. "Now, will you tell me the real reason you were crying?"

I looked at him and took a deep breath before shaking my head.

"I was just throwing up and I really hate vomit." I lied. "It kind of triggered that phobia."

Theodore pouted, then rubbed my thigh.

"It's alright, darling. You're okay." He said and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm gonna go pee, and then we'll have some dinner."

He kissed my forehead, then disappeared into the bathroom and I looked down at the onesie in my hand.

I couldn't believe this.

The same night he kidnapped me, he forced me in the shower and he forced himself on me.

He came inside of me and that was it. I'm guessing that's how I ended up pregnant.

I tried so hard to fight him off but he had grabbed my wrists so hard, leaving marks while pounding into me from behind.

I was crying, completely out of my mind but he didn't care. He never cared.

As Theodore came back into the room, there was a popping sound and another familiar person appeared in the room.


He hadn't seen me at first. His eyes were on Theodore who stared right back at him.

"Theo for fuck sake." Gideon breathed. "What are you doing here?"


"You need to go!" He said. "If mum and dad knew you were staying in their cabin when you are on the run from the fucking Aurors, they'll kill you before your arse ends up in Azkaban!"

Theodore glanced at me, and then Gideon turned, his eyes widening when he saw me.

"Kai!" He spoke before looking at Theodore again and then realisation hit him. "No... Theodore you did not bring her here against her will."

"I didn't do anything against her will, Gi—" Theodore was cut off when Gideon grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the wall.

"Do you want to have your soul sucked out?! Being a death eater, almost killing Kai and now kidnapping her?!" He yelled. "You need help, Theo! You need to be in some sort of facility!"

He shoved Theodore further into the wall before stepping back.

"I'm taking her home." Gideon said. "I'm getting her back to her family."

Gideon turned and walked over towards me.

"Are you okay?" he asked and crouched in front of me. "I'm so sorry. I'll take you home and you'll be alright, yeah?"

I went to say something when Theodore slammed a lamp into the back of his older brother's head, knocking him unconscious, and my scream echoed through the walls.

My eyes were glued to Gideon who were knocked out on the floor, the lamp shattered all around him.

"We can't stay here." Theodore said, shaking his head as he looked at me. "Gideon never leaves without telling someone where he is. They know he's here and they'll come looking for him. They'll separate us. Separate me from you and our baby."

I didn't say anything.

When I saw Gideon, I had hope, but that hope was now washed away.

"No." I said, shaking my head. "I want to go home."


I looked up at Theodore and then stood up, throwing the onesie at him.

"Fuck you and fuck this baby!" I yelled. "I'm tired of acting like this is a normal situation! You kidnapped me and you got me pregnant and you're living in this fantasy world where the two of us love each other and raise a family! I don't love you, Theodore!"

One moment, we were looking at each other, and the next he was chasing me into the kitchen where I grabbed a knife and put the blade to my wrist which caused him to stop.

"Kai, what are you doing?"

"I am tired." I cried. "You let me go or I'll fucking kill myself!"

"No... Kai, please don't do that. Put the knife down."

I shook my head.

"Let me go."

"No!" He yelled. "You are mine!"

Then I did it.

While crying, I cut from my wrist and all the way up to my elbow, gasping at the pain.

I heard Theodore yell but all I could focus on was the knife hitting the floor and the blood pouring from my arm.

I clutched my arm, the blood pouring over my hand as well and I quickly got dizzy, my body dropping to the floor.

He rushed to my side, ripping his sleeve off to press to my arm while yelling at me but I didn't hear a word.

I just simply laughed and smirked up at him.

"You'll never fucking have me." I whispered, feeling myself grow fainter and fainter by the second.

He was upset, kept shouting while trying to stop the bleeding.

I closed my eyes. All I could hear was him shouting and screaming, crying out while I waited for myself to go to sleep.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now