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When I woke up the next morning, Fred and I laid in completely different positions.

I was asleep on my stomach, my arms under my pillow, hugging it close to my face and I had a knee pulled up to my stomach.

Fred was laying with his head against my arse for some reason, using it as a pillow, his feet up by the end where I had my head.

"Fred." I mumbled, shoving my hand against his leg to try and wake him up.

He groaned in his sleep, moving a little but his head stayed on my arse.

"Freddie." I said again, reaching down to slap the back of his head and he groaned again, lifting his head to look at me.

"That hurt..."

"My arse isn't a pillow, you idiot."

He didn't answer but instead leaned down and pressed a kiss to my left arsecheek, then moved up my body and threw a leg over my back.

"Have you got a restroom I can use?" he whispered against my back as he leaned down to show me affection. "I have to wee."

I shrugged and he moved hair out of my face to have a look at me.

"Can't you pee out the window?"

"Out the window?" He laughed. "My dick will freeze off!"

I groaned, then turned my head as far as I could to look up at him.

"Okay." I said in a whisper. "It's to the left of my bedroom."

"Thanks pretty girl." He kissed my cheek quickly before crawling off the bed, making his way towards the door. "I'll make sure to not wake anyone up. Wouldn't want to get caught."

I rolled onto my side and watched him walk over to the door, his clothes a mess from sleeping in it.

"Fred?" I called softly, suddenly feeling a boost of confidence flow through me.


He turned to look at me and I placed a hand against my head, holding myself up by my elbow.

"I love you too."

He slowly let go of the door handle, his arm falling down by his side as he stared at me.

A small smile spread across his face and suddenly he was stepping up onto my bed, throwing himself at me and somehow we ended up on the floor with a thump.

Fred broke into laughter but I rolled over and pressed a hand to his mouth.

"One of these moments, my dad is going to—" I was cut off as I heard fast steps coming down from the second floor where my parents bedroom was located. "...look what you did you big twat!"

He grabbed my hand and forced it away from his mouth.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me yesterday?!" He hissed in a whisper. "I fucking panicked when I told you I love you and you didn't say it back!"

"You don't think I panicked as well?!" I argued. "You blurted it like it was nothing and I hadn't expected it!"

My door opened and I immediately sat up, looking at my dad with wide eyes.

His eyes landed on me, then at Fred and then he sighed.

"Kai..." he let go of the door handle as his eyes landed on Fred. "...who is that?"

"Uh... Fred." I said, uncertainty in my voice and Fred raised his hand a little as a way to greet my dad.

"And why is Fred in your bedroom at seven in the morning?"

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now