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Prepare yourselves for this chapter.

A little someone shows up and something will happen while dear Freddie is asleep.


As Fred slept on his stomach in the bedroom, I continued to unpack everything in our flat.

It was quiet. The only sound was the floor creaking as I walked across it.

Fred and I had bought a small television that we didn't have at the flat with George.

After I hung a framed picture above the television, I stepped back to smile at it.

It was Fred and I standing in front of the door to our flat, him holding the keys in his hand, his arm wrapped around me and my hand resting on his chest.

We were both smiling widely.


Gasping, I spun around, my eyes wide at the familiar voice.

His wand pointed at me.

"Theodore, what—"


My voice was ripped from me and I grasped at my throat as no sound would leave my mouth when I tried to speak.

"I've missed you." He said, slowly walking towards me with his wand still raised, and I backed up until I stood against the wall.

Tears filled my eyes as fear filled my body. I shook my head at him and glanced towards the hallway but as I went to run down there, Theodore placed his hand against the wall to block the way from me.

"You need to come with me." He whispered and immediately I shook my head.

A single tear ran down my cheek and he brushed it away with his thumb.

"It's not safe for you here anymore." He whispered, resting his forehead against mine and if I hadn't been completely paralysed with fear, I would have kicked him and ran. "They caught them. The snatchers got Potter and his two friends. They've escaped and The Dark Lord will come for everyone they know. That's the Weasleys and you... please come with me. I can keep you safe. I can keep you hidden."

My wand was in my back pocket but as I reached for it, he grabbed onto me and disapparated us both.

The second we landed, I had my voice back.

I spun around to face him and I ripped my arm from his grip.

We were at a house in the forest, a house that seemed old and forgotten about.

"Kai—" he took a step towards me and immediately I pulled my wand and pointed it at him.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. "I do not need you to protect me! I don't want you anywhere near me, Theodore!"

"You'll get yourself killed, Kai!"

"Like you almost did?!"

"That dagger was meant for him, and you know that!" He screamed at me. "I love you!"

I laughed.

"I'd rather die than be when you." I spat. "You are fucking crazy!"

He laughed as he shook his head. "Don't call me that. Please don't call me that."

"You are. You are fucking insane."

He flicked his wand at me and immediately I shielded myself by the spell he had sent towards me.

"I've always been there for you and this is how you thank me? Every time you and Felix fought, I was the shoulder you cried on. You could've picked anybody else, but I was the one you wanted to walk to."

"Because we were friends!" I yelled. "I've known you my entire life and I was closer to you than I was to Gideon but that doesn't mean I owe you anything now! You almost killed me! You've stalked me for years and you just fucking kidnapped me!"

He shook his head, laughing.

"I didn't kidnap you. I'm protecting you."

"If that's what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night, then fine." I shrugged. "But I'm going home."

"Expelliarmus!" He shouted and my wand was ripped from my hand.

It flew through the air and landed in his, and I watched as he snapped it in half.

"Going home isn't safe." He said as I stared at my now broken wand, my eyes wide.

Then I turned around and before thinking, I just ran as fast as I could.

"Kai!" He screamed and I could hear the leaves crumble as he followed me as fast as he could. "Get back here!"

I don't think I had ever run that fast before. I sprinted through the forest, making my way between the many trees.

On multiple occasions, I almost tripped but I quickly regained balance and continued running.

"You're making it worse for yourself, Kai!" He shouted, sounding further away than before.

I looked back to see him at a distance. If I could keep running like this, I could get away from him.

So I did. I ran and ran and ran until I could no longer see him. I hid behind a fallen tree, a hand to my chest which was rising and falling quickly, trying to get enough air in.

I closed my eyes, trying to apparate myself out of there but I never learnt how to do it without my wand.

Wandless magic wasn't my specialty but right now I could really need it.

"Kai!" Theodore shouted in the distance. I could hear the leaves as he walked, making me more and more anxious. "I'm not gonna hurt you! I just want to keep you safe!"

I closed my eyes, my free hand clutching the leaves underneath me.

"We'll stay at the cabin and we can be happy!" He shouted. "I'll make you happier than he does!"

I didn't know how long I sat there for. I was as quiet as possible, listening to the crunchy leaves and his voice as he walked around, trying to look for me.

He kept shouting my name, kept trying to lure me out.

It was starting to grow dark and I couldn't help but think about Fred. He must be awake by now, wondering where I was.

My things were there, everything was the same as when he went to sleep and the front door was locked.

I didn't know how Theodore had found me or how he got in.

It wasn't until he sounded closer, that I had to get up and keep running, and then the chase continued.

At least I had gotten a few hours of rest behind that tree but now it continued, and I ran for my life with him behind me.

"Stop running!" He yelled. "Kai! Don't make me hurt you again!"

I kept running until my foot got stuck in a root in the ground and I fell, falling hard against the cold and hard ground.

As I felt his hands wrap around my ankles, I screamed as loud as I could, until my throat was hurting.

He spun me around, hovered over me and kept me against the ground with one hand while the other found his wand.

He pointed it at me.


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