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After changing Myeong's diaper and helping him back in his trousers, I smiled at him.


He nodded in response, stuffing his fingers into his mouth. Then he crouched down and picked up my wand that I had put down before.

"Nope. That's not a good idea." I said, holding out my hand. "Can you hand it over?"

My brother looked up at me before he giggled and gave me my wand back.

"Thank you." I smiled, pocketing it in the wand case I had strapped around my thigh.

I was wearing this long wine red dress made out of silk. It had a high slit up my left leg, reaching mid-thigh.

It was a deep v-neck, showing off my cleavage and there was no sleeves but simply straps over my shoulders.

I was one of Fleur's bridesmaids and she had allowed every one of us to choose our own dress in this colour. She didn't want to choose one sort of dress. She'd rather we were all comfortable.

I was wearing my hair up. It was braided into a low bun and a few curls were loose and framing my face.

"How about we go find Freddie, huh?" I asked as I lifted Myeong off the table.

He made a cute little noise as he ran towards the door and jumped to try and grab the door handle.

When I open the door for him, he sprinted out, shrieking while running down the hallway.

"Be careful, Myeong!" I called out and at that moment, he set off right towards the stairs.

My heart dropped but then Charlie caught him as he was walking up the stairs. He had an arm hooked around Myeong's stomach and carried him away from the stairs.

"You should keep this one on a leash." He chuckled and put my giggling brother down before I took his hand to make sure he didn't try that again.

"Thank you." I breathed. "Believe it or not but this is the third time he's tried throwing himself down the stairs... today."

Charlie laughed and looked down at Myeong before ruffling his hair.

"You're gonna give your sister a heart attack, little man." He said before he smiled at me and continued up to the next floor.

"Do you want to walk or do I have to carry you?" I asked, and Myeong looked up at me before holding up his free hand. "Alright."

I picked him up, smiling as he mimicked the sound of an airplane.

I walked downstairs and out through the front door where the wedding was going to take place.

An outdoor wedding in August — it sounded like a dream. It was my dream wedding if I ever happened to get married.

"Freddie!" Myeong shrieked the second he laid eyes on Fred.

The boy can say a few words and Freddie is one of them and oddly enough he can't say my name which is way shorter.

He can say 'mama', 'dada', 'no' and 'Freddie'.

I put my little brother down and he ran right into Fred's arms. He picked him up, smiling and I could tell he was saying something to Myeong that made him laugh.

Fred's eyes landed on me and a smile spread on his face.

"Look at you." He grinned. "Shit... you in that dress..."

I laughed.

"I know right?" I spun around. "I look hot."

"So hot." Lee approached us, his voice high pitched as he snapped his fingers. "I might just steal you from Fred."

"Ha... ha." Fred spoke with a flat expression. "Do that and I'll shove my foot up your arse, Jordan."

Lee grinned.


"Lee, I swear to Merlin I will—"

"Right." Lee cleared his throat, cutting Fred off and I smiled, watching them both in amusement. "Then I'm stealing this little cutie."

He took Myeong off Fred's arm and walked off.

"Don't lose him!" I called after Lee whom I heard scoff.

"You need to learn to trust me, Kai Brooks!"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. My eyes moved to Fred and I saw him eye my body that was hugged perfectly by the dress.

"Do you want to see my favourite part of the dress?" I asked with a smug smile, taking a step toward Fred.

His eyes flicked up to meet mine and then I pulled the dress back a little, the slit opening up to reveal my tanned leg and the wand case that was strapped tightly around my thigh.

"Now that's hot." Fred commented, making me laugh.

I stepped towards him again and leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Don't get too riled up, pretty boy." I smiled.

"Pretty boy?"

"Yeah." I grinned, stepping back. "You're my pretty boy."

"I'm your pretty boy?" He laughed. "No. That's not how it works. You're pretty girl. I'm just Freddie."

Rolling my eyes, I turned around and walked back towards the door to the Burrow.

"Oi, Kai!" Fred shouted as he followed me inside. "I'm not pretty! I'm hot!"

I bit back a laugh, continuing through the house to the closest bathroom where Fred caught up to me.

As I went to shut the door, Fred slid a foot into the opening and whined when it hurt him.


"Seriously?" I asked. "That didn't hurt."

"Yes it did!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door further before he marched in.

"I do have to pee but you're welcome to watch." I breathed, shutting and locking the door.

"How much do you need to?" He asked. "Are you close to peeing your pants or can it wait ten minutes? Fifteen max?"

"That's an odd question." I frowned while he took a step towards me.

He placed his hands on my waist, feeling the fabric of my dress against his fingertips.

"Seeing you in that dress has made me incredibly horny." He whispered, brushing his lips over mine without kissing me properly.

Then he spun me around so that I faced the sink and the mirror.

"Bend over the sink." He said, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

As I bent over the mirror, Fred pulled my dress up all the way to reveal my arse and he smirked at me through the mirror while hooking his fingers into my thong, pulling the material down my legs.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to think about anyone but me during the wedding." He said, running his hands over my arse.

He leaned down over me and kissed my shoulder blade, brushing his nose over my skin.

Then I heard the sound of his belt buckle.

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