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On February first, it was official.

Fred and I had signed the lease and we were now the new renters of a flat in London.

It was located on the thirty-third floor, not far from Diagon Alley.

I was over the moon with excitement about moving in and getting to start this chapter of my life with Fred.

"Go on, open it!" I said, full of excitement as I jumped up and down while Fred laughed at me, finding the key to the door.

"Calm down, pretty." He laughed. "I've got, I've got it..."

He turned the key and pushed the door open, then turned to me, gesturing for me to enter.

"Mrs Weasley."

"No!" I snapped, pointing a finger at him.

Fred leaned against the doorframe, smiling widely with the tip of his tongue between his teeth.

"We've talked about this! That reminds me of your mother. I'm not Mrs Weasley."

"Well, you're married to me and you took my name so..."

"Mrs Brooks-Weasley." I corrected him, sliding past him and into the flat.

We walked straight into the kitchen which had grey cabinets and a white marble surface. On the other side of the island, was free space for a dining table and to the left of the kitchen was the living room.

There was a small hallway next to the living room, leading down to the bedroom and the bathroom.

"We won the fucking lottery with this place!" I said, turning back to look at Fred who shut the door behind us.

He smiled at me and threw the keys on the counter.

"Now all we need is furniture." He commented, looking around, his eyes landing on the balcony connected to the living room.

"Are you thinking the same as I?" I smiled and stepped back, slipping my arm around his waist.

I rested my head against his shoulder, looking up at him and he grinned widely, looking down at me as well.

"Sex on the balcony?" He whispered, and I nodded, laughing before he kissed me.

I stepped back, winking at him. Then I spun around and disappeared down the hallway and into the bedroom.

I looked around the room, imagining where the furniture would go and then I saw Fred stand in the doorway, watching me.

He was standing there, his hands gripping the frame above his head which made his biceps flex.

"You look really fucking hot right now." He said, staring at me, and I smiled innocently, shrugging.

I stared back at him before slowly approaching him and when I stood in front of him, the corner of his lips tugged up into a small smile.

My hands reached up to undo the first button in his shirt and as I continued to open his shirt, he just stared down at me.

"So hot." He repeated, leaning down to kiss me, but I pressed a hand over his mouth.

He raised his eyebrows at me in question but I shrugged and leaned in, pressing a kiss to his bare chest.

He moved to put his hands down, but I hurried to run my hands up his arms to stop him.

I looked up at him.

"Keep them up."

An amused smile were glued to his face and he nodded approvingly.

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now