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"I'm gonna kill you."

George slowly backed up, his hair being back as he knew the exact counterspell to the one I had cast on him.

"Now, Kai listen..."

"I'm gonna fucking kill you."

"I'll pay you back, I—"

I pointed my wand at him again while he backed up further into his room.

Fred leaned against the doorframe, watching the interaction between us.

"What money are you talking about?" He asked, amused.

"The money he gave you." I said, staring at George. "They weren't his. They were mine. He told me he wanted to borrow the money for a necklace for Angie."

"What?" Fred laughed and turned to George. "You lured money out of my wife to pay me back from a bet that you lost?"

"Well... I—"

Fred slipped an arm around my waist and I felt his breath against my ear.

"Leg-Locker curse." He whispered before disappearing into our own room, and I stared at George who held up his hands in defence.

"Listen, Kai. Let's talk about this like reasonable adults. There's no need to—"

"Locomotor Mortis." I spoke and watched as his legs were bound together by magic.

"Kai." George groaned. "Using that on me is just childish."

"Yeah?" I asked. "Well next time, don't steal my fucking money."

"I didn't steal them! You gave them to me!"

"You lied about why you needed them!" I exclaimed. "That's basically stealing!"

Fred returned and I looked at him as he pushed money into my back pocket.

"There you go." He said before pointing at George. "Mate, you still owe me sixteen galleons."

Fred placed his hand on my wrist, making me lower my wand, and I looked at him before glancing at George. Then I turned around and left his room, walking into the room that I shared with Fred.

Fred joined me seconds later, shutting the door behind him. He leaned back against it while grinning at me.

"You have to admit that he did a great job tricking you." he said. "He knew you'd help him out and he took advantage of that. I dunno about you, but I'm proud of my little brother."

"Little brother." I scoffed. "He's a few minutes younger. And I'm not proud, Frederick. Maybe if it had been a few galleons, but sixteen? I could buy two new wands for that!"

Fred laughed while approaching me. He held out his hands, placed them on my waist and pulled me close.

"Don't be upset with him. You got your money back, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around his shoulders while resting my head against his jawline.

"I know he's your brother and all, but that won't get him out of this." I said. "I'll have revenge. I'll get him back."

"Yeah? I'll help—"

"Nope." I breathed, closing my eyes. "I don't trust you."

He pressed a kiss to the side of my head, rocking us both from side to side. He slid his hands down my body until they landed on my arse.

I chuckled against his neck while he kept his hands there.

"Don't be too hard on him then." He whispered. "I know he's sorry."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now