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The next morning, I woke up as someone threw a pillow at my head.

Groaning, I pulled it off of my head before I looked around, narrowing my eyes at Martha who stood there.

"Get up, idiot." She said. "We're meeting Felix for breakfast in fifteen minutes."

I glanced towards the end of my bed where she had put my uniform so that it was ready for me.

"Don't look at me like that." She said. "I'm already dressed and I have tried waking you up like a thousand times."

Groaning, I threw my head down against the pillow and before I even got to get out of bed, I was dragged onto the floor.

"Ow!" I shouted when I hit my forehead against the wooden floor.

I was on my feet in the split of a second, rubbing the spot on my forehead that hurt.

"What did you do that for?!" I asked out of annoyance. "I was getting up!"

"Yeah? Didn't look like it." She rolled her eyes at me. "Just get dressed. I'll go wait with Felix."

I watched her leave the dorm and my attention now turned to the two girls at the other end of the dorm.

Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.

As I changed into my uniform, Alicia left and Angelina walked closer to me, leaning against my dresser while looking at me.

"Quidditch tryouts are this Saturday." She said. "Will you be there?"

"Why would I be there?" I asked. "I'm not trying out."

Angelina shrugged and picked up my mascara on the dresser, looking at it then putting it back down.

"You should." She said. "Fred and George are making their little brother try out and I'm pretty sure he's gonna suck. We need a good keeper in order to win."

I sighed and turned to the mirror while tying my tie.

"C'mon, Brooks. You aren't still mad about second year." She said. "It was ages ago and I didn't choose to be picked over you."

"Why would I be mad about something that happened when we were twelve?" I asked, glancing at her before folding the collar down around the tie, then reached for my jumper and pulled it over my head.

"Oh have something against me because Fred asked me to the ball and not you." She said and now I turned to face her.

"I'm sorry?" I laughed. "I don't know if you remember this, but I have a boyfriend."

"And when Fred asked me to the ball, you didn't." She said. "Didn't you and Felix start your relationship a few days after?"

"I don't know. I don't exactly remember when Fred asked you to the ball." I shrugged. "I don't obsess over someone else's relationship."

Angelina watched me as I walked over and grabbed my robes, putting them on.

"I'm not with Fred." She said. "We went to the ball as friends."

"Okay." I said. "I still don't care. I don't even like Fred. He's annoying."

After I put on some mascara, I turned towards her again.

"I won't try out for keeper." I said. "Sorry to disappoint."

I grabbed my bag with my books and left the dorm, making my way down the hallway and through the door.

Jogging down the stairs, I noticed the very few people in the common room.

It was just Potter, Granger and Weasley, talking intensely about something.

I just walked through the room and out through the portrait, almost screaming as I hadn't expected two very tall twins stand right there.

"Merlin's beard you scared the fucking ovaries out of me." I said, a hand placed over my heart. "What are you two up to? Don't you have to be at breakfast?"

"Yes." They said in unison and I cocked an eyebrow before Fred took the lead of the conversation. "We've been waiting for you for ten minutes. You're slow."

I sighed.

"Of course you have. What now? Need me to keep watch on a prank again?"

Last year, I got caught in the middle of one of their pranks and they decided to have me keep watch in exchange of whatever money they had on them.

"Thanks for the offer, we'll definitely consider you in the future." George grinned.

"If Lee isn't available of course." Fred added, before pointing a finger at me. "You... We need someone to experiment on."

I stared at them for a moment before I made my way down the stairs and the two of them followed me, one on either side of me.

"I will not be blown up because you need to test your products on someone."

"It isn't a product." George said. "...well not exactly."

I looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's—" I looked at Fred as he now spoke. "...are you familiar with the muggle herb known as cannabis?"

I stopped walking as the stairs we were on suddenly started moving, and I held onto both of them to settle myself, quickly letting go again once I realised.

"Weed?" I asked. "You've got weed?"

"We do." George said. "And we've experimented on it with some help from Longbottom."

"We've managed to grow our own kind." Fred told me and we started walking again once the stairs stood still. "But we need someone to try it on."

"Why not try it on yourselves?"

The boys exchanged a glance before both chuckling.

"You know nothing about business, do you?" Fred asked. "We can't test our own products on ourselves, Brooks. If one of us died, how were we supposed to continue?"

I glanced at him without saying anything.

"Are you in?" George asked. "We've made it in the form of a brownie so all you need is to eat one."

Sighing, I considered it for a moment, then nodded.

"What do I get out of it?"

Again, they exchanged a glance.

"The opportunity to get high and a chance to spend time with the two most handsome Gryffindors at Hogwarts." Fred said with a smirk, and I raised my eyebrows at him before chuckling.

"Fine." I smiled. "I'll do it. Just give me a time and place."

"Yes!" Fred placed his hands on my shoulders, shaking my body until I shoved him off.

"Meet us in the Serpentine corridor tonight after curfew." George told me as we approached the Great Hall. "Be there at a quarter past ten."

They both left my side to enter the Great Hall while I walked over to Felix and Martha who talked as they waited for me.

"What did they want?" Felix asked immediately.

I shrugged.

"Nothing. Shall we get something to eat? I'm rather hungry."

"Why was he touching you?" He asked and I sighed.

I didn't want to start my morning fighting with him like this.


"I told you he wants to bloody fuck you." He said in a low voice.

"He touched my shoulders." I laughed. "You're being jealous again, Felix. Grow up."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now