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It took me a second to realise where I was, once I woke up the next day.

I was in the flat, laying on the floor next to the sofa and a familiar arm hung over the edge of it, relaxing above my head.

Fred was asleep on the sofa.

My head was killing me and the sharp sun that shun right into my face, wasn't helping at all.

"Fuck." I groaned, running a hand over my head before I shoved Fred's arm away so that I could sit up.

I looked around and several people that I knew where sleeping all around the flat.

Alicia was asleep against the fireplace, Lee was passed out across the kitchen floor as well as Martha.

Martha's brother was here too.

Theodore Nott was sleeping against the wall, and then I narrowed my eyes the second I noticed him.

He was supposed to be at Hogwarts.

I hadn't noticed him here last night.

I looked around but I couldn't locate either George or Angie.

My brother wasn't here either even though Fred invited him and Martha expected him.

I got to my feet, rubbing a hand over my face as I walked towards Martha where she was still passed out from last night.

I crouched down and shoved her to wake her up.

It took a few tries but then she grumbled something and tried to wave me off.

"Hey, where's Carter?" I asked. "Did he ever show up?"

She didn't respond but instead fell right back to sleeping, snores coming from her.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up again and made my way through the flat, stepping over passed out bodies.

I went towards the bathroom when I noticed that the door to me and Fred's room was open, and when I saw who was in the bed, my eyes widened.

George and Angie.

They were both naked on top of the bed and I quickly clamped a hand over my eyes before reaching out to close the door.

Not in my bed...

With a small whimper, I walked out into the bathroom and turned on the light. I almost screamed when I saw the body laying by the toilet.

Kenneth Towler.

I looked towards the shower where Oliver Wood was passed out and then I heard a soft groan.

I stepped further into the room and pulled the door away from the wall, noticing Roger Davies on the floor, vomit down his shirt and on the floor and wall.

I gagged, hurrying out of the bathroom before I too started vomiting.

"I'm not doing this." I sighed as I made my way through the flat again, leaving to walk downstairs into the shop.

I used the bathroom in the shop, peeing and washing my hands and when I walked back out, I found a spot behind the register where I fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, it was to someone brushing hair away from my face and caressing my cheek.

I opened my eyes to see Fred crouched down in front of me, and I smiled weakly as I placed my hand on his.


"Hi." I whispered. "Are you hungover? Because I am... do we have anything against headaches?"

I sat up and when I went to stand, Fred held onto me, causing me to frown as he wasn't letting me stand.

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