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Fred and I both got a weeks worth of detention.

Right now, we were sitting alone in the transfiguration classroom while McGonagall had some stuff to take care of.

Today was day three of detention and I was more bored than I had ever been, leaned back in my chair with my feet up on the table, my knees spread apart.

"Tryouts are tomorrow." Fred spoke as he looked at me while spinning his wand around between his fingers.

"I'm not doing that." I shook my head.

"Brooks." He groaned, throwing his head back. "We need to win the house cup and we can't do that if Ron gets on as keeper."

I sighed.

"I'm not exactly good either, am I?"

"No... but you're better than my brother." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"If you want a good keeper, ask Martha."

"Nott?" He asked. "She's good at riding wands but not during quidditch."

I looked at him and made a noise of disgust before grabbing the nearest object, throwing it at him.

It turned out to be a book.

Fred shrieked and managed to duck it before laughing, picking it off the floor. He turned it over in his hand to look at it before he looked at me.

"What?" He asked. "She asked me to spread the word. She's good in bed."

"But why would you need to tell me that?" I asked. "It's not like I'm considering booking up with her."

"You should." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes before the door to the room opened.

I expected it to be McGonagall but when I looked back, I saw Felix approach me.

"Hey." I smiled. "You're gonna get in trouble if you're caught in here."

"So?" He asked. "I'm head boy. I was just checking up on the students in detention, making sure they aren't up to any trouble."

I chuckled and he leaned down to kiss me before leaning his hands on either side of me, hovering over me.

"Truth is, I missed you." He whispered so that Fred couldn't hear it.

"Yeah?" I grinned, running a hand up his neck but I paused when I saw a purple bruise on the side of his neck. "What's that?"

"What's what?" He asked, his eyes scanning over my face.

I brushed my fingers over the bruise.

"It's a hickey..." I said with a frown before I looked at his face in confusion.

"Oh..." he hurried to clamp a hand over it, his eyes staying on me. "...you gave that to me, don't you remember?"

He smiled at me and removed his hand to brush some hair behind my ear.

"I didn't."

"Yes you did." He chuckled. "That night before you went out to help Weasley."

"But you didn't have it this morning." I said. "You didn't have it before I left to be in detention."

"Kai, honestly..." he sighed. "...I used some of your makeup to hide it. It must've rubbed off today."

"Oh..." I muttered, offering him a small smile, then shrugged. "...okay."

He leaned down to kiss me again and I brushed my fingers through the back of his hair.

"You believe that bullshit?" Fred asked, earning the attention of both Felix and I. "Don't you think you would remember whether or not you've given him a hickey?"

"Excuse me?" Felix laughed as he straightened up. "Mind your own business, Weasley. This is a conversation between my girlfriend and I."

Fred looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.

"Just mind your business." I tried to sound as soft as possible to not sound rude.

I just didn't want to cause any trouble. Felix was already jealous whenever I was with him, so with Fred trying to start something, I just needed to shut it down.

"Babe, why don't you go back to your dorm?" I asked, running my hand along his arm to gain his attention.

He looked at me and he was obviously tense.

"I'll come find you when I'm done here." I said and he nodded slowly, glancing towards Fred before he leaned down and kissed me.

It wasn't just a quick kiss like usual in public. It was the kind of kiss that we only shared in private. It was slow and passionate and lasted for several seconds before pulling away.

"Okay." He nodded, stepping back. "Bring a condom? I've run out."

He glanced at Fred again before walking out of the room, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"How has he run out of condoms?" Fred asked. "We haven't even been here for a week. I mean... I stocked up during the summer."

I looked at him.

"He only had two." I shrugged before I looked down at the table.

I heard a chair scrape against the floor and then Fred sat down next to me, leaning back in his chair.

"He seems like an idiot."

I looked at him.

"He's not." I said. "We all act like idiots sometimes but Felix is amazing. There's a reason that I'm with him."

"And what is that reason?"

Sighing, I turned towards him.

"Weasley, you don't know me. You don't know Felix and you know nothing about our relationship so stay out of our business."

"I know that you didn't recognise the hickey on his neck."

"I don't remember all the hickeys I give him!" I defended. "Listen... I helped you with something when you asked but that doesn't mean we're friends."

He laughed, his eyes focused on me.

"You're feisty." He smiled. "I like that."

Rolling my eyes, I got up and made my way through the room to sit somewhere else.

"I'm just trying to help!" He called out. "Are you seriously that naive?"

"Weasley, stop!"


"Why do you care?!" I exclaimed. "Shut up!"

"Because..." he sighed and got up again, joining me where I sat for the second time. "...Martha is my friend and you're hers... so I care, and he's obviously cheating on you."

"He's not." I said quickly, shaking my head. "I love him."

"Maybe." He shrugged. "But you clearly didn't give him that hickey. Someone else did."

Shaking my head, I decided to not say anything else.

Fred was wrong.

Felix and I had been together for almost a year. He wouldn't cheat on me, especially not if he himself was scared that I'd do that to him. He loved me and I loved him.

"I'm sorry." Fred said. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I still didn't respond. He stood up and walked over to another table. We weren't allowed to sit together and I didn't feel like getting into more trouble once McGonagall got back.

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