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A month passed and I was starting to feel better about my breakup with Felix.

I had new friends and they were all very helpful at distracting me, especially Fred. Every night we would spend together in that cupboard in the Serpentine corridor.

Either he'd get me off or I'd get him off but we hadn't gotten to the point of sex yet.

He was helping me learn what I enjoyed, helping me explore my own body.

"Your body belongs to no one but you."

Those words had hit hard. I had realised that Felix really had been toxic and that I couldn't see it.

I mean, he acted like he owned my body. I wasn't allowed to touch myself and he never wanted to hear me out if I wanted to try something new.

I liked the thought of being owned, but not without my consent. I liked when Fred took control and acted like my body was his, but he only did that, knowing I was alright with it, knowing we had a safe word in case it became too much.

Every Wednesday, we all met in something called the room of requirement where Potter taught us all how to defend ourselves.

We were called Dumbledore's Army. It was secret and if Umbridge found out, a lot of people would be in trouble.

Today was Saturday at the start of November and it was cold and boring outside.

The first Quidditch match of the season was today. Gryffindor against Slytherin.

"This is going to be epic." George whispered as I helped him out with a prank where Fred and Lee were meant to be the target.

It was a muggle prank that I knew from when I was younger.

You place a bucket of water over a door and when it opens, it pours over whoever walked through.

Though we used magic to hold two buckets up. One containing water and one containing flour.

"I don't know how you do this all the time." I said. "I'm anxious already by just waiting."

George chuckled, glancing at me.

"It'll be fun." He said. "And this was your idea."

"No." I shook my head. "You wanted to prank them and you asked me for an idea for a prank. I had one, I gave it to you and now—"

I was interrupted by the sound of water splashing and a gasp before the buckets hit the floor.

George and I both looked towards the incident and both of our eyes grew wide when we saw McGonagall covered in water and flour.

"Oh, that's not good." George said. "We should go. We should run."

"Yeah, that's... we should." I nodded before I set off in a run, George right behind me.

McGonagall hadn't seen who had done it but we could hear her yelling for whoever it was to come out.

We kept running as we reached the stairs and by the time we reached the portrait, I was completely out of breath and George wasn't.

"You good?" He asked and I simply held up a thumb.

I'm not a fucking athlete you dumb whore.

After he said the password, we entered the common room through the portrait and I automatically went for the sofa, laying down on it while catching my breath.

"Maybe that wasn't the best idea." George said and I looked at him, rolling my eyes.

If we had been caught by McGonagall, we would've been dead. That would've been a nightmare.

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