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"This is ridiculous."

I took a sip of my soda while looking at Theodore who was complaining.

"No offence to any of you, but we don't belong at this table..." he said and pointed between him and his older brother Gideon. "...there is no alcohol at the fucking kids table."

Mum had placed both Theodore and Gideon at the table with everyone who were below the age of twenty, and with those two being twenty and twenty-two, they weren't very satisfied.

I had spent time showing Fred how to eat the dumplings using chopsticks and after a while with us laughing together about it, he caught on.

Felix had indeed been looking at me quite often from where he sat between Gideon and Maya.

"How spicy is it?" Fred asked me, referring to the stew I was currently eating. "On a scale from one to ten?"

I shrugged.

"I've had it my entire life so it doesn't really affect me." I said. "Do you want to taste it?"


I moved my spoon up to his lips, holding a hand under to not spill and when he tasted it, he let out a cough.

"That's..." he coughed again, into his hand, and I laughed. "'s burning my throat."

"It's not that bad, is it?" I asked with a smile and he nodded, a hand covering his mouth.

"I think I'll stick with the dumplings." He breathed.

"Good idea." I nodded, patting his cheek before I went back to my food, but I noticed Felix look at us with a disgusted looks.

Putting down my spoon, I sighed and straightened up.

"What, Felix?" I asked, the table going quiet at the tone of my voice. "Do you have an issue or something?"

"I do, actually." He nodded, glancing at Fred.

"Oh..." Fred laughed. "I'm your issue. Alright... this should be fun."

I felt him place his hand on my thigh, the action hidden from sight.

"Don't you feel any shame, at all?" Felix asked, staring at me. "Acting like a dumb fucking whore—"

"Felix!" Both of his brothers exclaimed while Carter immediately sat up straight, ready to drag him out of here and I felt Fred's nails dig into my thigh out of anger for what Felix just said.

"...look at your fucking neck!" Felix continued. "...sitting there with a hickey as if I'm not right here."

I moved a hand to my neck. I thought Fred had gotten rid of all of them.

"Not everything is about you." I said calmly. "Don't you have a girlfriend? The girlfriend you cheated on me with? Just like you cheated on me with Martha over there and probably many others too..."

Felix laughed.

"You left me because I fucked Martha so you get together with someone who's also fucked her?"

"Wait a minute..." Carter spoke, looking at Martha. " and Fred?"

"I—" Martha was cut off as Carter stood up and left the room and she quickly went after him.

"Well isn't this exciting." Maya breathed and took a sip of her soda.


"No." Gideon cut off Felix. "You're going to shut your mouth and treat Kai with respect. This is her home, not yours."

There was a moment of silence before Fred cleared his throat.

"If you ever call her a whore again, I'll borrow one of my brothers dragons and you won't like the result."

"Oh really?" Felix asked. "I'm shitting my pants right now."

Fred snickered.

"You should learn to use the toilet."

What the actual fuck is happening?

"What a comedian you are, huh?" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... that's kind of my whole thing." Fred nodded, narrowing his eyes with a scoff. "You should try it sometime. Maybe being funny would get you to keep a girl. That's what attracts them, isn't it? Humour..."

"That might be why she's with you." Felix said, gesturing towards me. "Which must make you happy. You know for sure she isn't with you for the money."

Fred tensed up, his nails digging further into my skin. I didn't mind. It was better than him taking his anger out on someone else.

I placed my hand on his for some type of comfort, letting him know it was alright.

"Can you even afford to buy her things?" Felix asked. "Like that ring I bought her for her birthday?"

He gestured towards my hand that rested on the table where the ring from him sat around my middle finger.

I hadn't thought about taking it off. It was just a ring that I wore along with the others.

I noticed Fred's eyes fall onto my hand and then he looked at Felix while I slowly pulled the ring off my finger.

"Who cares about things when I can treat her with respect?" Fred asked. "The respect you didn't show her. I may not have money, but I have skills that has her screaming my name. Has she ever screamed your name, Felix?"

Felix grabbed each side of his chair, getting ready to push himself out of it.

I gave Fred's hand a squeeze to tell him to quit it. My sister was at this table and so was Felix' older brothers so I didn't feel like discussing my sex life.

Felix slowly turned his head to look at me.

"You really are a whore."

I threw the ring at his face and it hit him right in the lip, causing him to curse out loud while he stood up, covering his bottom lip with his hand.

"What is going on in here?!"

I turned in my seat to see mum stand in the door as well as Dorothy Larch and Martha's aunt.

"I think it's best if Felix went home." Theodore said. "He's feeling unwell."

"No I'm—"

"We think he may have come down with something." Gideon confirmed. "He was just leaving."

Once Felix left, everyone went back to eating and our table was rather quiet.

Fred's hand was still resting on my thigh but his nails were no longer digging into my skin.

Instead, he was gently rubbing the skin in that area to try and soothe it.

Carter and Martha came back and sat down, Carter's shirt untidy and Martha's hair more messy than when we left.


I mentally gagged, trying to get that image out of my head as I continued eating my food.

I was trying to act like I wasn't hurt by Felix having called me a whore. The only one I knew didn't mean it, was Fred when we were having sex, but constantly hearing it from someone else, slowly made me more and more convinced that it was the truth.

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