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"Mum! You can't kick me out!"

I chased my mum upstairs as she went straight to my room while ignoring me.

"Mum!" I screamed, desperate for her to hear me and tell me that I could stay, that it was alright and that she wasn't angry with me.

Mum marched into my room and I watched as she grabbed my bag that was thrown by my dresser.

She threw it on the bed and then pulled out the drawers in my dresser, grabbing clothes and throwing it into the bag.

"Mum!" I cried. "Please. I don't want to leave! I have nowhere to go."

"How about that boyfriend of yours, Hmm?" She asked roughy as she continued to pack my bag. "I can't believe I let him into my home, cooked for him, let him stay under my roof. He's turned my daughter into a whore!"

I cried out as I walked over to the bed and started pulling my clothes out of my bag.

I didn't want to leave.

"Kyung-Hu!" Mum shouted as she grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back before putting the clothes back into the bag.

"I'm not a whore." I cried, wiping my cheeks though it didn't help one bit.

"Not a whore?" She asked and looked at me. "No proper girl takes pictures like that! Felix was good for you and you threw him away for some guy who's obviously ruined your mind!"

I laid down on my bed, crying loudly into the room as I ran my hands over my face.

"Please mum. Don't kick me out!"

My mum sighed.

"You can stay." She said and for a moment, my crying stopped as I looked at her. "If you break up with that boy."

Then I started crying again.

"Oh spare me the tears, Kyung-Hu. It's either that or you find somewhere else to live."

"I love him!" I cried. "You can't ask me to do that! I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I took that picture, I'm sorry I was naked with him. Just please don't kick me out and don't make me break up with him."

"Love him?" Mum scoffed. "You don't know anything about love. You're barely even eighteen and that boy's got you brainwashed. I should've known. I should've listened to Felix."

"Felix?!" I yelled.

Mum sighed again.

"Felix just wants what's best for you. He made me aware of Fred's history of manipulating girls like you into sleeping with him, how he's treating his girlfriends! I've dated guys like that in the past and they always get violent!"

"Felix is the one who was manipulating me!" I yelled. "Mum he was cheating on me through the entire relationship! Fred is the one who made me see that I don't belong to my boyfriend! He's nice to me. He's nice."

Mum shook her head.

"If you won't break up with him, you'll have to leave this house."

I sat up and let out another cry, my face completely wet from tears.

"Dad won't let you do this!"

"I don't care what your dad thinks, Kai! He'll have to deal with it or he can find himself somewhere else to stay as well."


My knuckles hit against the wooden door as I knocked three times.

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