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Fred had one hand placed next to my head, another one playing with the hem of my dress as he stared down at me, a teasing grin on his lips.

My own lips were probably pretty swollen, at least as much as his and I was basically out of breath.

As I reached up to brush my fingers over his lips, he chuckled and pressed his body up against mine while he gently tugged my dress up my thigh.

"Are you going to fuck me against the wall?" I whispered, staring at him with the innocent expression that I did too well.

"I might." He nodded. "Or maybe I'll fuck you against the window so that anyone would be able to see you if they walked by."

He placed a hand under my chin to lift it up and leaned down to kiss me.

"Let me help you out of those heels." He whispered before crouching down.

He carefully undid the straps on my heels before pulling them off and when he stood back up, he spun me around.

I placed my hands against the wall, closing my eyes when I felt his body against me, his lips kissing my shoulder gently.

"Look at how fucking pretty you are." He whispered, pulling my dress up over my hips.

He slid his hand around my waist and into my knickers, touching me.

I breathed heavily, throwing my head back against Fred's shoulder. He rubbed my clit slowly, his lips moving on my shoulder just as slow.

I rocked my hips against his hand and Fred chuckled against my shoulder. He ran his fingers down through my folds and I turned my head to try and looked at him.

A cocky grin spread across his face and he rested his forehead against my temple.

"Fuck me." I whispered. "Please."

"Yeah?" He asked and I gasped as he slid two fingers into me. "How do you want me to fuck you? With my fingers?"

"N-No." I closed my eyes as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me while watching my face.

"No?" He asked. "What do you want then? My cock?"

I hummed, kissing him softly and I could feel him smile against my lips.

"I didn't hear a yes." He spoke, breaking away from me again.

"Yes." I whispered and he curled his fingers inside of me, causing me to let out a moan.

He removed his fingers from me and brought them up to my lips. Automatically, I sucked them clean and Fred kissed my shoulder again as he reached into a pocket to find a condom.

"Shit." He breathed. "I haven't got a condom on me."

"What?" I asked. "Fred you fucking idiot."

"It's okay." He said and turned me around before he dropped to his knees. "I can still make you come with my very skilled tongue."

I threw my head back against the wall as Fred pulled my knickers down my legs, throwing them across the room and then I felt his tongue on me.

I moaned loudly as my hands found their way to his hair, tugging on it while pulling him closer between my legs.

Fred wrapped a hand around my thigh and lifted my leg over his shoulder. He dug his nails into my skin and just the feeling of that caused my entire body to heat up.

I could feel his eyes burn into my face, staring at me from between my legs, watching every single reaction I had to the way he made me feel.

Then there was the sound of a door and Fred quickly pulled away once it slapped shut again.

"Fred?!" George's voice called into the flat and my eyes widened as I hurried to pull my dress down while Fred got to his knees, licking his lips. "Are you in here? I thought you were supposed to be with Kai!"

Fred looked at me as he ran a hand along his jaw, then went to say something when George showed up in the hallway, eyes landing on us.

"Oh..." his eyes landed on my knickers that laid on the floor, and then his eyes widened. "...not in the flat! We haven't even moved in yet!"

He gagged loudly as he made his way down the hallway again and at the same time, I hurried over to grab the knickers and pull them up my legs.

"That didn't go as planned." Fred sighed, clapping his hands together. "Alright. Plans have changed. We're gonna finish what I've got planned for tonight and then we'll go back to your place so I can fuck you properly."

I sighed and leaned back against the wall, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Fred chuckled, and I hummed in response.

"Yes... I just didn't come is all." I breathed and I opened my eyes when I heard Fred approach me.

"I know... my less attractive twin just had to ruin it, huh?" He grinned. "I'll make you come before the night ends though. You can trust me on that."

I leaned forward to kiss him and as I felt his lips on mine, footsteps approached again.

"Guys..." George spoke and we both looked at him. "...Kai, are you going to be living with us? If you are, we need to have your name on the lease as well."

They both looked at me and suddenly I felt very much on the spot.

"I mean... I don't know. Fred gave me some time to think about it."

George nodded.

"Alright." He said, smiling. "I hope you decide to live with us. It'll be fun getting to prank you every single day."

I snorted and looked away, towards the windows that showed the moon.

"We should get going." Fred spoke. "I've got something special planned and I don't want us to miss it."

I looked at him and he held out his hand for me to grab, and as I did, I heard George speak again.

"Happy birthday by the way."

I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and just after the words left my mouth, Fred apparated the both of us to a beach.

I didn't know where we were but it was also night here.

It looked like we were still in England.

As Fred started removing his clothes, I looked at him and laughed.

"Love, what are you doing

He looked at me as he smiled.

"C'mon. Let's go swimming." He said and as soon as he was only wearing his briefs, he ran towards the water and straight into it.

I watched him dive in, head first and then come back up to the surface shortly after, running both hands over his soaked hair.

"C'mon, Kai!" He shouted as I slowly walked further onto the beach. "The water is nice!"

I chuckled softly at the way he acted, then pulled my dress off. I wasn't wearing a bra in the dress but it didn't matter because we were the only ones here.

Once I was only in my knickers, I slowly walked into the water, shivering at how cold it was.

"It is freezing, Freddie." I said and he laughed, moving onto his back to float on the water while he looked at the night sky.

"It's not that bad." He said. "You just have to get used to the water."

He stood up and I watched him while the water dripped off his body.

"C'mere, pretty." He said and opened his arms and once I hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm while we stood in the cold water. "Happy birthday."

His voice was a whisper and I smiled against his naked chest before tilting my head back to look up at him.

"You'll stay with me again tonight." I said. "I love sleeping next to you."

"Yeah?" He grinned. "Well if you love it so much, why don't you move in with me?"

Chuckling, I nodded.


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