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Toni's POV
November 19, 2007

Hey guys! I know it's been a while since you guys have last seen us so let me fill y'all in.

After Janet and I got married we went to Indonesia for our honeymoon and it was so beautiful. Our honeymoon lasted a whole month, almost two months because we didn't want to leave and go back to reality. Once we came back from Indonesia, we decided that we wanted to try for kids. I got inseminated from a sperm donor and a few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. While I was going into my second term of pregnancy I suffered a miscarriage.

It shattered our hearts into pieces, but Mama K said "When God thinks it's the right time, he will bless you guys with a child." In the meantime, we are thinking about fostering a child somewhere between the ages of one and ten. Then after the fostering process is over we would most likely adopt them.

My siblings are doing well and I still haven't spoken to my parents. They don't deserve to hear anything from me, anyway. Tamar has been telling me that Evelyn wants to rekindle our friendship and wants me to reach out to her, but I feel like she should reach out to me. After all, she's the one that kicked me out and disowned me.

Janet is working on her new album called 'Discipline' and it sounds pretty good already. On the other hand, I'm not working on anything. I'm thinking about doing a new album but I'm not sure about that yet. I've been thinking about not doing music in general, like retiring but that would disappoint a lot of people. I don't know about that yet. Maybe I'll do that in ten years...

"Baby?" I called out to Janet. We are laying in bed watching re-runs of The Cosby Show. I'm currently laying on her stomach as her fingers ran through my hair.


"I might go to Baltimore soon."

"To see your par—" I immediately cut her off.

"Nope. Never."

She chuckled, "Alright then."

"I might surprise my sisters but I'm mainly going down there to visit my grandmothers grave. I haven't been down there in a while." I said and Janet nodded rubbing my back.

"That would be nice. When are you planning to leave?"

"Around the beginning of December, her birthday is the tenth."

"That's nice. You want me to book a flight for you?" I shook my head.

"You don't need to do that baby. I can manage."

"Okay, you're going to be staying at a hotel or Traci's house?"

I shrugged, "Probably Traci's house. I have to call her beforehand." Before Janet could respond the house phone rang. She reached over to answer it and put it on speaker.


"Hey, are you guys still coming over for Sunday dinner?"

"That's today?" Janet questioned and I laughed. Mama K gon get her...

"Today is Sunday right Janet?" Told y'all.

"Yes, I was just playing Mama." I chuckled.

"Right right, be on time you two."

"Okay, see you later!" We both said into the phone before hanging up. It was around three and dinner is usually at five so we have to start getting ready.

"Come in the shower with me baby." I said getting up from Janet's stomach. I shook my head chuckling.

"Mama said to be on time Janet." I said reminding Janet.

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