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Tamar's POV

I start my new school on Monday and I'm so excited. I didn't really have friends in my other school in Severn. They only wanted to be my friend because of who my sister is and I didn't like that. I hope the people in my new school don't act like that because it will be a problem. I'll just miss Toni and Janet when I'm at school. Mostly Skai, she's like a little sister to me. I also don't have to wear a uniform which is good because I don't like looking the same as other people. I just hope my classes are easy and all of my credits transfer from my other school. My new school isn't far, it's about a ten-minute walk from the house.

"Mommy I want to go to school like Auntie Tay." I heard Skai tell Toni and I laughed.

"School isn't that easy." I told her and Toni nodded.

"Yeah, and you're too young to start now. You'll be old enough in about two years."

Skai frowned, "I want to go now. Pleaseee."

"Oh, I think there's a preschool across from my school."

"Mm, you're right Tay. Maybe she can go there."

"Yeah, and then we can walk home together."

"Yes! Auntie Tay will pick me up every day." She smiled widely and I chuckled.

"Now if anyone bothers you at school, let me know so I can beat them up. Don't let nobody take your lunch or push you around." I said seriously and saw Toni shake her head.

"Mmhmm, and if someone doesn't have any carrots I'm gonna share my carrots."

"Aww, that's right and if they snatch it, what are you going to do?"

"Snatch it back!" She said with attitude and I nodded. That's my niece.

"Like I said, if they bother you, let me know."

"No, please. No violence."

"Yes, violence." Skai whispered and then ran off to play. Toni shouted her name and she laughed. She leaned back against the couch and rubbed her growing stomach.

"So, I see your belly is getting bigger..."

"Yes. I'm going to look like a whale, all fat and bloated."

"Don't lie to yourself. You're going to look the same, and you're going to snap back fast." I said snapping my fingers. Toni is nearing her three-month pregnancy mark and she's showing a bit. She has some morning sickness and her cravings are off the wall. This morning she made me eat ice cream with peanut butter and jelly and I wanted to eat pancakes for breakfast. Janet wouldn't eat it with her so she made me eat it. She threw it up after, of course, but I have to gain the weight.

"I'm hungry again." I heard Toni say and I laughed.

"You just ate that nasty meal."

She laughed, "It was good and I threw it up after. The baby didn't like it." Toni said and then got up to go back into the kitchen.



Today is Monday, my first day at my new school and it came around fast. I'm pretty excited though. I got my school schedule yesterday and I don't have a first period. All of my credits from my school in Baltimore transferred to the new school, making me not have a first period. So I start at nine which is the same time that Skai starts her preschool. Yup, Toni and Janet enrolled her in the preschool across from my school. The four of us walked ten minutes to the school and we took Everest along.

"Have a good day at school Tayme." Toni said and kissed my cheek.

"I'll try." I waved at them and walked into the school building. A bunch of people looked at me and began whispering. They probably know who my sister is, or who I am. Let's see how this year goes...

Janet's POV

I'm not ready for my baby to go to school. I'm gonna miss her cute face in the house and her bossing us around like she's grown. This is probably how my mother felt when all of us went to school. We walked inside the building and stood in front of the class door. I saw all the children around Skai's age and a few adults were in there too.

"I'm gonna miss you baby."

"I'm gonna miss you too momma. I'll draw you a picture." I nodded my head and she hugged our legs. We kissed all over her face and Skai laughed. I smiled and looked at her. She pet Everest before walking inside the classroom. I heard Toni sniffle and I looked at her.

"Are you crying, baby?" I asked and grabbed her hand. She shook her head and I smiled.

"It's just something in my eye."

"It's okay to cry."

"I'm not crying. It's the hormones!" I laughed and kissed her forehead.

"We'll be back here in a few hours." We soon arrived home and decided to clean the house a bit. After cleaning, we fed Everest and the puppies.

"Whoever is Everest's baby father, he's a deadbeat because he isn't taking care of his kids." Toni said in a serious tone and I chuckled.

"I think it's the neighbor's dog. She's the only one that has a Retriever unless the father travels far."

"Mmm, it better be the neighbor's dog. Got my baby pregnant." I shook my head and we continued to feed the puppies. After we were done, it was time to go and pick up Skai and Tamar. Toni told Tamar to meet us in front of Skai's school. When we arrived, Skai's class was exiting the building.

"Mommy momma!" She said excitedly and ran towards us. She hugged our legs and we rubbed her back.

"Hi baby, did you have fun at school?" I heard Toni ask.

"Yes." The teacher gave me a sign-out sheet and I signed under Skai's name. A few minutes later, Tamar came out of her building.

"Hi, Auntie Tay. How was your school?"

"It was good. I just introduced myself in most of the classes. How was your school?"

"It was good too. I drew a lot of pictures and then we watched Tiana." They chatted most of the way home. After dinner, I got Skai ready for bed while Toni went into the shower.

"Momma remember when we went to the park for your birthday and I was playing with a girl?"

"Yes, baby I do. What about her?"

"She goes to my school!"

"She does?"

"Yes! Her name is Kyla and we're friends now."

"That's good baby. Make sure she isn't mean to you and you aren't mean to her."

"Okay." I put Skai into her bed and soon her eyes closed. My baby is so tired from preschool. Just wait until she finds out that she has to go to school for almost the rest of her life.


•Toni's nasty cravings?

•Skai going to school?

•Toni's hormones?

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