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For @yodaddy56 it won't let me tag you cause I don't "follow you" but I dead did, Wattpad just— FIX IT!

Toni's POV

"Skai, what should we do for Janet's birthday?" I asked her as I bathed her. She had a long day today, playing with Everest in the mud. They were both really dirty, Janet bathed Everest first and now I'm bathing Skai.

"Her said that that her w-want to go to Disney." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Does Janet want to go or do you want to go?"

"Her told me." She said smiling and I laughed.

"Okay baby, what else did she say?" I already know where I'm taking Janet. The day before her birthday we will be traveling to Mykonos, Greece. She always said that she wanted to go there so I'm making her wishes come true. We're taking Skai of course so it's just going to be the three of us. Whitney is going to be taking care of Everest while we're gone, hopefully, she doesn't miss us too much.

"Her wants flowers. R-red flowers." I rinsed her body to get rid of the mud and dirt.

"Toni, how old is Janet going to be?"

"She's going to be twenty-eight."

"Oh, a-and you twenty-eight too?"

I shook my head, "No I'm twenty-four. Janet is older."

"Oh and I three." Skai said holding up three fingers. I smiled and rinsed the soap off of her body once I was done, I drained the water from the tub and took her out. I wrapped the towel around her, drying her skin.

"Feel clean?"

She nodded, "Squeeky." I chuckled and brought her to her room. I saw her clothes on her bed along with her socks.

"I see you picked out your clothes already."

"Yeah, all by m-myself!" Skai cheered.

"Good job baby." I kissed her forehead and rubbed lotion all over her body. Once I got her dressed she got in the bed and I sat on the edge of it.

"Toni, where's Janet?" She asked as I tucked her in.

"Umm, I think Janet is in the studio. You want me to call her up here?"

She shook her head, "Just t-tell her I said g-g-goodnight." I kissed her forehead and saw her eyes close. Of course, she's tired, having been running around with Everest all day.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Toni." I got up from her bed and quietly walked out of her room. I left the door cracked a bit and then made my way downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of ice-cold water for Janet. She might need it. I then made my way to the basement studio. I slowly opened the door not wanting her to catch me and I heard her singing.

"And I love you more than words can say
Here's to knowing that you'll stay
With me through the complications
Baby what I'm saying."

Is this about me?

"There are times
When it gets so hard, feel like I can't take it
You make me want you
Fight you
Love you and despise you
Still when it feels like I've got nothing left
I remind myself that." I like this song too. I opened the door more and walked further in seeing that she had her eyes closed, feeling the music. I slowly closed the door so it wouldn't make any noise and set the water down. I then sat down on the couch and watched her sing.

"I, I, I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna let you go now
Never gonna let you go now."

Aww, it's about me... I mean who else would she be talking about? Better only be me. I was so mesmerized by her voice that I didn't hear the music stop until she called my name.

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