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Toni's POV

I arrived at the house and saw Michael, Whitney, and Paris at my door. I got out of my car and walked to them.

"Oh, I was just about to call you. How come you're just now getting here?" Whitney said and I sighed thinking about what had happened.

"A whole bunch of shit happened..." I said and opened the door. We walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"We're listening." Michael said.

"Skai called up at about two in the morning saying that her mother beat her and didn't feed how and how she wasn't there. Whitney, you should see the bruises on her body. I can't believe someone would do that to their child. Skai was crying and we could barely even touch her, she had bruises all over. So we took her to the emergency room and I'm here to get our things."

"When I catch the person who hurt my niece, it won't be nice." Michael said.

"Damn that's fucked up for real and I told Paris the other day that this system is so fucked up. Some shit always happens when children are sent back to live with their parents. If you need me to beat her ass Newark style, just stay the word." I chuckled and spoke,

"Ain't that the truth. But she's doing better now, Janet is with her. And I'm going to have to pass on your offer." I said and they nodded. Whitney laughed and shook her head.

"Can we go and see her?" Paris asked me.

"Sure, she's in Jackie's department. I'll come after I get our things and breakfast."

"Alright, see you there." Whitney said and I nodded. They left and I headed upstairs to go and pack our things. Once I was finished with Janet's and my things, I went into Skai's room to get her things. I also grabbed the bear that Whitney and Michael gifted her.

I headed downstairs to pour more water and food into Everest's bowl. She barked and licked my hand.

"I know you smell her on me and we got her back. She'll be here tomorrow." I told her and she happily wagged her tail.


When I got to the hospital I saw Michael's car and the paparazzi. Now, how did they know that we were here? I put my sunglasses on, grabbed the things, and headed out of the car.

"Toni! Did Michael abuse that little girl like he did the other kids?" What the fuck? The allegations against Michael are false and they know that for a fact. I sighed because if I spoke, they would feel my wrath.

Alternative version

You know what, YOLO.

"What's your name? Can I get your name?"

"Sure, my name is Tina."

"Well, Tina fuck you! You know those allegations isn't true at all and you still said that shit."

(Lmfaoaoaoa wtf man)

Back to the regularly scheduled program

I got inside and headed to the room that Skai is in.

"Hi, Toniii!"

"Hey, baby. I see you are feeling better." I said and set our things down. I handed the food the Janet and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, babe."

"You're welcome." Michael, Whitney, and Paris stayed until visiting hours were over which was around three. I heard a knock on the door and it opened, revealing Jackie.

"Hey, guys. How are you doing Skai?"

"Good, but this hurts." She said pointing to the IV that was in her arm. Jackie had to give her some fluids to help her with her dehydration.

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