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Nobody's POV
December 1

Skai was excited about her aunt coming to live with them. She enjoys Tamar playing with her and having mini sleepovers with her. Toni and Janet walked down the stairs seeing the two of them sitting at the island.

"Good morning."

"Morning Toni and Janet." Skai just waved since her mouth was full of pancakes. Janet chuckled and kissed her forehead. She put out water and food for Everest. She then called out for the animal but she didn't come.

"That's strange."

"Her might be sleeping." Skai said and Janet nodded. The couple then ate their food and collectively chatted with one another. After breakfast, Janet went to take a shower.

"Umm, I forgot something upstairs." Toni said and headed up the stairs.

"Just nasty." Tamar mumbled already knowing what was going to be happening. Toni headed to their room and got into the bathroom.

"Hi, baby. Are you coming to join me?"

"No." She lied, chuckling.

"Yes, you are girl." Janet opened the curtain a bit and stuck her hand out. She grabbed Toni, pulling her into the shower. Toni gasped and then laughed.

"Baby! I still have my clothes on."

"So? They're going to come off anyway." Janet shrugged and Toni smiled. Janet soon pulled off Toni's clothes. She then pulled her wife into a passionate kiss. Toni wrapped her arms around her wife, pulling their bodies closer. Toni pulled away and kissed Janet's neck. She turned around and pressed Janet's back against the wall. Her hands trailed between her wife's legs, rubbing her thighs. Janet let out low moans as Toni's fingers began to tease her wet slit.

"Please, baby. I want it." Janet begged and Toni obeyed. She easily slipped her fingers into her wife's tight pussy. Janet gasped and threw her head back against the shower wall. The water hit the both of them as Janet's moans bounced off of the shower walls. Toni thrust her fingers faster and Janet screamed,

"Baby! My god!" Toni chuckled and bit her bottom lip. She loves taking control of her wife. Janet looked down and saw her wife smiling at her. She pulled her into another kiss and their tongues swirled in each other's mouths. Toni stopped her movements and lightly tapped at her wife's spot. Janet broke the kiss and gasped. Toni smirked and then curved her fingers, hitting Janet's spot some more.

"I-I'm gonna cum baby." Janet stuttered and grabbed Toni's waist. Her legs were starting to burn from being pleased while standing up. She placed her head on Toni's shoulder and kissed her neck. Toni's thumb then rubbed her wife's throbbing clit and Janet moaned into her ear.

"I got you baby." Toni coached rubbing Janet's clit faster. Her legs began to shake and she squeezed Toni's waist tighter. Janet sucked on Toni's neck, silencing her moans a bit. Toni smacked Janet's ass and she yelped out in pleasure. Janet pulled her face away from Toni's shoulder and leaned against the shower wall again. Toni grabbed her wife's neck and Janet's eyes shot open.

"You ready to cum baby?" Toni asked in a low tone.

"Yes, daddy pleaseee!" Janet begged and panted. Toni rose her brow and never stopped her movements. Janet grabbed Toni's hand and squeezed it, preparing for her orgasm. Soon Janet began squirting on Toni's fingers and palm.

"Ohh fuck baby!!" She yelled out, juices flying all over the shower.

"Mmm." Toni moaned watching her wife come undone. Janet threw her head back and heavily breathed. Her legs soon gave out causing her to sit on the floor. Toni laughed and spoke,

"You know I can't pick you up."

"I'll... I'll be fine sitting here for a while."


Once Toni and Janet finished showering they went downstairs. Janet saw that Everest's food and water bowl were still full. She frowned and headed outside, looking for the dog. She went to her dog's house and opened the door. Janet found Everest along with six other golden retriever puppies.

"What the hell?" The puppies were all feeding on her so it was obvious that Everest had just given birth. Janet nor Toni knew that their dog was expecting. It was strange that Everest didn't bark for them to help her during her birth. Janet sat down on the ground and pet Everest's fur.

"You did this all by yourself." Janet had seen a few animals give birth before, being that she has had animals before so she knew how tough it was. She checked out the puppies and saw that they were all healthy. Janet headed back inside and found Toni.

"Baby guess what?"


"Everest just had puppies."

"Are you for real?"

"Yes. She has about six of them."

"Puppies?!" Skai asked excitedly and rushed outside. The four of them headed outside and saw Everest with her puppies.

"Aww, momma they're so cute."

"I know."

"So you guys didn't know that y'all dog was pregnant?" Tamar asked.

"Nope, not at all." Toni crouched down to the dogs' level and examined the puppies. Everest gave birth to exactly six puppies.

"Three boys and three girls."

"Can we keep them all?" Skai asked and Janet shook her head.

"No baby, we can only maybe keep two. Taking care of six puppies and a dog is a lot of work." Skai frowned.

"But we'll probably give them away to Paris, Gen, Stevanna, and whoever wants them." Janet added and Skai nodded.

"Well not Paris because Uncle Mike is scared." Skai informed and Toni nodded. After a while of being outside with Everest, the four of them named the puppies... Poppy, Sage, Snowdrop, Bear, Milo, Axe. Of course, Skai picked Snowdrop and Bear so those are the two that they would be keeping.


"Oh, I meant to tell you guys that a number called while you two were being nasty."

Toni laughed, "What did the number want?"

"They wanted Skai for a Bandaid commercial. I wrote down their phone number so you guys can call them back." Janet smiled as Tamar handed her the paper. She soon went upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Do you want to be in the commercial baby?" Skai rapidly nodded. She wanted to be on tv just like her parents and other family members.

"Yes! I want to be on tv so you guys can watch me."

Janet laughed, "Okay then baby but it won't be as easy as it seems."



•Toni dominating again? 😫

•Everest unexpectedly giving birth?

•Skai being in a commercial?

It's the way Rebbie and Toya were in sync

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It's the way Rebbie and Toya were in sync.

Excuse any errors ✨

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