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Tamar's POV
Severn, Maryland
Same day

After what happened, Joey drove us to the police station and I filed a police report. It turns out that Evelyn's boyfriend has a record for touching little kids, boys, and girls. The reason why the police couldn't catch him is that he uses different names every time he moves. His record is about thirteen states long. Thank god I spoke up because who knows what else he would've done to other children. The police informed me that there wouldn't be a trial or a court hearing because there was a lot of evidence against him so he was automatically guilty. He'll probably be in jail for all his life.

I haven't spoken to any of my other siblings yet to tell them what happened. I know they are going to be pissed at what happened and a bit upset that I'll be living with Toni. Oh well, they'll get over it. I can't wait to go back to Toni's house and see my aunts, Max and Teri, and Skai. I miss my niece. Oh my gosh! I'll be seeing more of the Jackson clan... Holy crap! I will be in the same room with Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston at times... I'll be living the life.

Right now, we're on their jet heading back to Los Angeles. It's a pretty nice jet and the seats are very comfortable. I looked over at Toni and Janet and saw her rubbing Toni's stomach. She has been doing that in the car and now on the jet. Is Toni pregnant? I stared at her but I couldn't find anything different about her. Maybe that's their love language for each other. Toni turned her head, looking at me and I turned mine, looking out the window. I heard her chuckle and I smiled.

"Tamar, is there something you want to ask me?" I turned my head to look at her and Janet's hand was still on her stomach.

"Umm, are you pregnant? Not that you look fat or anything but Janet keeps rubbing your stomach." I rambled and the two of them laughed.

"Yes, I'm pregnant." Toni said and my mouth dropped. I got up, sat next to them and I hugged Toni.

"I'm so happy. Do you know what you are having?"

"No/ a girl." Both of them answered at the same time and I laughed.

"I'm only about a month and a half along so don't listen to Janet."

"Listen to me because I'm right."

"I'm happy for you guys. Y'all baby is going to be cute. If it's a girl she might have your dimples Toni and if it's a boy then I don't know. But you guys' genes are a good mixture but the Jackson genes might be stronger than the Braxton genes." I rambled from excitement. I'm going to be an aunt again. And I'll be here with Toni during her whole pregnancy and possibly her birth.

Paris' POV

After I got a black eye from playing with my siblings my dad and Skai, I haven't been playing that much. This beautiful face can't get ruined because she is a model. She has to be on the covers of different magazines and I'm not trying to get my face done. Skai is spending the weekend with us and I think Auntie Toni had a family emergency with her sister. I'm not sure but I overheard my mother and her talking earlier.

After my modeling show with Victoria's Secret, I've been getting a lot of calls for more shows and magazine covers. I have one in May, the day before my aunt's birthday and it's in Antibes, France. I've never been there before so I'm excited to go. And I am so happy that my modeling career is working out in my favor. I'm grateful that my family and fans are supporting me.

Mama K told me that every time she hangs out with her friends, she tells them that I'm a model. My grandmother is my biggest fan. My grandfather says the same thing. He tells all his clients that I'm a model and he even has pictures of me in his office. Yup, that's what I like.

Speaking of Mama K, I can't for Thanksgiving to come. I'm so hungry for it and the food is so good. The leftovers are kind of better. I'm so greedy thinking about Thanksgiving already but it's only a few days away. My dad already asked Mama K what she's making like she doesn't make the same thing every year. He's hungry like me and I don't blame him. Like father like daughter.


Janet's POV

Today is Thanksgiving and I can't wait to eat. The food will be so delicious... mmm! We still haven't told anyone yet about Toni being pregnant but we will tell them today. Tamar is at my mother's house with us too. She was a little starstruck at first but she's slowly getting used to it.

"You know we should've bought a Turkey with a baby Turkey inside so we could tell them." I suggested and Toni laughed.

"Baby, I already know how I'm going to tell them." She told me her idea and I nodded in agreement. Once the food was done, everyone helped set the table. After that was done, we all sat around the table. Toni sat next me to and Skai sat next to Tamar.

"What is everyone thankful for? How about we have our guest, Tamar start first." Whitney said and she nodded.

"I'm thankful for my sister Toni. What are you thankful for Skai?"

"Umm for my mommies!" She said excitedly and we smiled.


"Toni, what are you thankful for?" I asked her and she smiled. She stood up and spoke.

"I'm thankful for this little bundle of joy I'm carrying." Toni said and rubbed her stomach. Everyone collectively spoke,


"No! Are you for real?"

"Auntie Toni your pregnant?"

"Yes, I'm for real." I saw my mother wipe her eyes and I shook my head.

"Mother don't cry again please." I joked. The last time when we told her that we were going to be fostering, she cried. Now she's crying again. She got up and hugged Toni.

"I'm going to be a grandmother again."

"Do you know what you guys are having?" Joseph asked as he walked over to us.

"Yup, a girl."

"Nonsense, Toni isn't even that far."

"Thank you, Mama. As you can see your daughter wants a girl and so does Skai."

"Yes, I want a sister!" After everyone said what they are thankful for we dug in. And like clockwork, everyone was knocked out one by one. I have to ask my mother what she puts in her food to make us fall asleep.


•Janet thinking that they are having a girl?

•Double update for y'all

•Double update for y'all

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