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Nobody's POV
2 days before Thanksgiving

Toni, Janet, and Paris were at the supermarket getting the ingredients that Katherine sent them to get.

"How many yams did she want?" Janet asked.

"I don't know, just get like eight."

"Okay, I'll be back." Janet said and ran off to get the yams.

"Mmhmm." Toni said grabbing a can of cranberry jelly.

"Auntie Toni?"


"Do you have parents? I mean, I know everyone does but I never hear you speak about them." Paris said. She wasn't trying to be nosey but she just wanted to know.

"Yes I do, I just don't speak to them." Toni explained to her niece.

"Oh okay, when was the last time that you spoke to your parents?"

"I don't know. Maybe fourteen years ago." She said nonchalantly.

"Oh, that's a very long time. You don't miss them?" Paris asked as they walked into the frozen food aisle.

"No, not really."

"What caused y'all to stop speaking?" She asked grabbing a bag of mixed vegetables. She then placed it in the cart and they walked to the next aisle.

"They didn't accept that I liked the same sex so once when they found out that I had my first time with your aunt, they kicked me out."

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you."

"Me too."

"Maybe you should call them."

"If they wanted to speak to me they could've called me." Paris stayed silent and Janet came back a few seconds later. Once they finished shopping, they went back to Katherine's house.

"We got all the stuff on your long list Mama K." Paris said giggling.

"Thank you." The three of them unpacked the groceries for Katherine.

Nobody's POV

The whole family is at Katherine's house celebrating Thanksgiving. Katherine recently got a new house so Thanksgiving was also a bonus to see her new house.

The kids were upstairs in the movie room singing karaoke and playing games. The wives were helping their mom in the kitchen while their husbands watched the game.

"Toni, can you peel and cut the yams for me please?"


"Thank you. Be mindful, they are still kind of hot."

"Okay." Toni grabbed the pan and began to peel and cut the yams.

Meanwhile, Paris snuck into the kitchen trying to get something to eat. She just wanted a piece of ham or a Hawaiian roll.

"Paris get out of my kitchen." Katherine told her while checking on the greens.

"But Mama K I'm hungry."

"The food will be ready soon."

"You said that about an hour ago."

"Out." Katherine said and Paris walked out of the kitchen. After Paris left out Michael walked in.

"Motherrr." He sang.

"Michael no." Janet snickered. She already knew what was going on.

"Not you coming in here after mother kicked Paris out." Nippy said taking the macaroni and cheese out of the oven.

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