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Nobody's POV
December 28

"Hi Toni, merry belated Christmas if that's a thing." Toni laughed at Tamar.

"I think it is and same to you. What did you do this Christmas?"

"The girls and I went to Michael's house. Toni, his girls are so beautiful."

"I know. He sends me pictures of them and I sometimes talk to them. How come you weren't at your mothers'?"

"She was with us at Michael's."

"Oh okay well I have something to tell you."

"Please don't tell me you getting a divorce."

"No, never in a million years."

"Oh good, so what is it?"

"Janet and I are fostering!"

Tamar gasped, "Are you serious?"


"Toni don't make me cry over this phone."

"Please don't because I'm going to start crying too." They both chuckled.

"Are you going to adopt too?"

"Yeah, we will, if everything ends up working out."

"Oh okay, Mikey wants to speak to you." Toni smiled, she hadn't heard from her brother in a while. She misses him.

"Hi, big head."

"Hi, baldy." Toni said and they laughed.

"I heard that you're giving me a niece or a nephew."

"Yup, Tamar told you?"

"Yeah and she's telling the girls right now."

Toni laughed, "That girl can't hold water."

"Sure can't. How's Janet?"

"She good. She got me a puppy for Christmas."

"She's so sweet and I thought you were scared of them."

"I'm not, I just don't like other people's pets chasing me." Toni said with a slight chuckle.


"Babe, come here please!"

"Okay, where are you?"

"In the living room." She said petting Everest. She taught her some new tricks and was excited to show Janet.

"Yes?" Janet said walking into the living room.

"I taught Everest two new tricks. You don't have a choice because I'm going to show you." Janet chuckled and sat on the couch. Toni took Everest off of her lap and placed her on the floor.

"Everest, do the Michael Jackson." Everest walked backward while barking. Janet laughed and clapped her hands.

"Okay now do the Lil' Kim." Everest began to wobble from side to side

" Everest began to wobble from side to side

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