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Nobody's POV
May 21
2:35 AM

It hasn't even been a full day since Skai had left and the couple is missing her dearly. It's nearing three in the morning and the two haven't been to sleep yet. They kept thinking about Skai and all of the fun they had in the past four months. The phone rang and Janet looked at it, not noticing the number she didn't answer. It rang again and she answered it, about to give the caller a few bad words.


"J-Janet why you not answer before..."

Skai's mother's house

Skai hated the house that she is in right now. When she got there it was nice at first but then the woman did cocaine and she changed. She just wanted to go back home to Toni and Janet. She hasn't showered for the night and her clothes were a bit dirty from playing.

Skai looked around for something to eat being that she hadn't eaten since she left home. Everything in this house had to be cooked and she didn't know how to use the stove. Her stomach growled and she sighed. She misses Mama K's food.

"What are you doing still up!?" The woman yelled at her and she jumped. Tears formed in Skai's eyes and they soon fell.

"I'm h-hungry." Skai said and sniffled. The woman screwed up her face and looked at the little girl.

"You shouldn't be hungry. Didn't you eat at the gay couple's house?"

"T-that was a-a long time ago..."

"Why are you stuttering you illiterate bitch?" Skai cried. She doesn't like when people yelled at her or called her mean things.

"I wanna go home!" She whined and stomped her feet. The woman's eyes widened and she roughly grabbed her. She grabbed her belt and began whooping Skai for no reason.

"S-stop! Stop!" She cried attempting to block the hits the woman sent.

(The Caribbean in me came out... 😭)

She whooped Skai for what felt like forever. Once she stopped, Skai fell to the floor crying harder than before. The woman put her belt back on and looked at her.

"Stop crying you baby!"

"Leave me a-alone!" Skai yelled back and the woman picked her up by her shirt. The doorbell rang and she dropped Skai to the floor, hurting her in the process.

"You're so lucky my date is here." The woman spoke and she left Skai, alone. Skai got up and wiped her tears. When she walked she winced in pain. Her leg hurt her bad, she just wanted to go back home. Entering the woman's room she saw a yellow folder on the bed. She knew that was her file and most likely it consisted of Toni and Janet's number. She called the home number and it rang for a while but nobody picked up.

"Please answer." Skai talked to herself and called the number again.

"Stop—" She heard Janet speak but she cut her off.

"J-Janet why you not answer before..." She cried.

"Wh— Skai are you okay?" Janet stuttered and Toni looked at her. She put the phone on speaker so that Toni could hear.

"No, I-I wanna come home!" Skai whined and Janet nodded.

"She h-hit me and I hurt my, my leg and I not eat. I w-w-wanna come back!" Janet gasped in disbelief. She couldn't believe that someone would abuse their own child.

"Okay, baby. We'll come to get you."

"Do you know where you are?" Toni asked and Skai nodded.

"In, in a room in a house."

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