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Nobody's POV
December 12

Everyone was at Mama K's house to watch Skai on the Bandaid commercial. The commercial was for the Johnson & Johnson bandaid brand. Skai was excited to see herself on tv and she had fun on the set. They all gathered around the tv and waited for the commercial to show up on the screen.

"I can't wait to see my little cousin on the tv." Stevanna said and her sister nodded in agreement.

"Yup and then she's going to be famous like me." Genevieve said flipping her hair and they laughed.

"Girl, you've never been on tv before." Mama K said.

"Mama K you're so jealous." She joked and playfully rolled her eyes. Soon the commercial popped up on the screen.

"I am stuck on bandaid brand cause bandaid stuck on me!" Skai's little voice said and they all cooed.

"Aww, she looks so cute." Whitney gushed.

"Yes, she does. That's my baby." Mama K said and poked Skai's side. Skai giggled and playfully pushed her grandmother's hand away. Soon the thirty-second commercial came to an end and everyone clapped.

"She did so well." Skai blushed. She loves the attention that she's receiving from her family. After spending the day with Mama K, they each went home. Once they arrived home, Janet fed Everest and had Skai help her feed the puppies. After Everest gave birth, Janet brought Everest and the puppies to the vet to get checked out. Their vet gave them a commercial puppy milk replacer since the puppies can't drink cow milk.

"Momma this one is thirsty." Skai said as Poppy drank her milk faster than her siblings.

"Mmhmm and she's a bit bigger than her siblings so she's going to be more hungry."

"Oh. Next time we have to feed her two bottles."

"No baby one will be enough or else she will get sick." Skai nodded in understanding and continued feeding Poppy. Once the puppies were done eating, they went to sleep underneath Everest.


Whitney and Michael's house
Whitney's POV

I haven't seen my husband all day because he's practicing for his tour. When I woke up this morning he had already left but he left me a note. He's so sweet. Michael was out for most of the day yesterday but he came home before I went to sleep. I miss him so much. The front door opened and I frowned. Paris and the boys just left... did they forget something?

I walked to the door and saw Michael closing it. I smiled widely and ran to him. He turned around just in time for him to catch me. I wrapped my arms around my husband, holding him tight.

"I missed you so much, baby." I kissed all over his face and he chuckled. He rubbed my butt and walked over to the couch.

"I missed you too honey. I'm sorry I had to leave so early." I heard him say as he sat down causing me to straddle his lap. I pulled away from Michael's neck and kissed his lips.

"It's okay, I know you had to work. But the next time wake me up." I scolded him and he chuckled.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." Michael pulled me into another kiss and gripped my waist. I deepened the kiss and started grinding on him. I'm going to show my husband just how much I've been missing him...

Toni's POV

Skai has a speech therapy session today and I'm taking her. Her sessions are actually helping her with her speech and stuttering. Skai is getting better at saying sentences fluently and her vocabulary has also improved.

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