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Nobody's POV
Family Court
August 18

Today is day one of the court day for the case against Skai's mother and the Jackson couple. Toni and Janet were a bit nervous for Skai knowing that the lawyers can be really cruel and won't show any mercy to a child. Joey drove them and Whitney to the courtroom and they saw their lawyer, Casey Novak.

"It will begin in about five minutes. Are you guys ready?" Casey asked the couple.

"Yes, a little bit. I'm just nervous for Skai." Janet said looking at Skai who was playing with Whitney.

"That's understandable but everything will be fine." A few moments later, the five of them walked into the courtroom. Toni and Janet sat at the Plaintiff's side along with Casey. On the Defendant's side, Skai's mom sat there along with her lawyer.

"All rise." Judge Donnelly came out of her chamber and sat at her bench.

"Document ending in 95163. Syed Vs. Jackson."

"You may be seated." She said and everyone sat down.

"Ms. Novak, your client." The judge said.

"I will like to call Janet to the stand." Her lawyer, Ms. Novak, said and Janet walked to the stand. She put her hand on the Bible and swore to oath.

"State your name to the court please."

"Janet Jackson."

"What relationship do you have with Ms. Syed?"

"No relationship, my wife, Toni and I are just fostering her child."

"And that is Skai if I'm correct?"

"Yes, you are."

"How is your relationship with Skai?"

"Amazing, she's the sweetest little girl I've ever met."

"So you don't treat her differently from all your other nieces and nephews?" Casey asked and Janet shook her head.

"No, I would never."

"How long has Skai been living with you and Toni?"

"We had her from February until the ending of May when the social worker, Mrs. Jules, told us that her mother wanted her back in her care." Janet explained and Casey nodded.

"Okay, why did the social worker tell you that?"

"My wife and I are planning to adopt Skai and the protocol is to make sure that her biological family doesn't want her back in their care. In our case, her mother wanted her back."

"Mmhmm and before the social worker came to get Skai, did the social worker call you and tell you that her mother wanted her back?"

"Yes, she called two days before. I felt like it wasn't enough time for us to say goodbye."

"No further questions your honor." Ms. Novak said taking a seat.

"Your witness Mr. Hall."

"No questions." He said and the judge nodded.

"You may step down Ms. Jackson." Janet stepped down and went back to her seat.

"I would like to call Skai Syed to the stand." Ms. Novak said and one of the court officers escorted Skai to the stand.

"Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?"

"Uhh." Skai said looking at the judge. She didn't understand what the court officer was talking about.

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