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Nobody's POV
October 15
2:36 PM

Toni was in the kitchen mixing cake batter when she heard the house phone ring. It seems like every time she's doing something people want to call.

"Hello?" Skai answered.

"Hi, is your mom home?" The person on the other line asked.

"Skai who is that?"

"Uh, I have two mommies." Skai informed the person on the other line.

"Still— oh I mean, that's right. Is your mom Toni home?"


"Can you give her the phone please?" Skai nodded as if the person could see her.

"Who is it, baby?" Toni asked seeing her daughter walk into the kitchen, with the phone in her hand. Skai shrugged,

"I dunno. They want to speak to you." She wiped her hands on her apron and took the phone.

"Hello?" She said into the phone and Skai ran off to play.

"Hi..." The person said on the other line causing Toni's chest to tighten. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Don't you ever call here again, Evelyn. The next time you do it won't be sweet." Toni said angrily into the phone and hung up. She put the phone down on the table and called her daughter into the kitchen.


"Yes, mommy." She said walking into the kitchen.

"Don't answer the phone unless momma or I tell you to do so, okay?" Toni sternly said and raised her voice a bit. She didn't like the fact that Evelyn called and thought that she could speak to Toni since Skai answered.

"Mmhmm." She said and began sniffling. Skai didn't like getting into trouble with her parents.

"Why are you crying, baby?"

"C-cause you're mad at me for a-answering the phone and I'm i-in trouble."

"Mommy's not mad at you baby and you're not in trouble. Did I say I was mad?" Skai shook her head.

"Okay then. There's no reason to cry, okay?" She said wiping her tears.

"Mmhmm." Toni kissed her cheek and Skai went to play again. She took this time to call Tamar. She FaceTimed her and set the phone up against the wall.

"Hey, my little big sister."


"Damn, who pissed in your cereal?"

"Your mother." Toni said putting the cake batter into a cupcake tin.

"What did she do?"

"She gonna call the house phone and Skai answered, so I guess she thought she could get away. Then Skai gave me the phone so I said hello and when I heard her voice I just don't her to not call ever again."

"She got some fucking nerve." Tamar cursed.


"You know I haven't spoken to her since Towanda said that about you and Janet 'cause I heard she was in on it too."

"Not surprising. So that means Towanda had to have given her my number, cause I definitely blocked her. She didn't have to say that, and I don't want anything to do with her anymore." After Tamar called Toni to tell her that Evelyn said that Janet and Toni are bad parents, it later came out that Evelyn and Towanda said those things.

"I guess because it most definitely wasn't me and I know our other siblings wouldn't do that."

Toni's POV

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