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Toni's POV
May 14
2:17 PM

Janet's birthday is in two days and I haven't told her where I'm taking her yet. She thinks we're not going anywhere because of us having Skai but that's not the case. Skai is going a good job keeping this a secret, I'm proud of her. Or maybe she just forgot. Just as I was about to call Janet up to the room, the house phone rang. I rolled my eyes and picked it up.

"Hello, Jackson residence."


"Nicole? What's the matter? Is the baby okay?"

"Yes, it is fine. You better get your best friend before I do." Now, why am I in it?

"I— what happened?"

"We're leaving the studio and some woman comes up to us with two children. At first, I thought she was a fan but she wasn't. She claims that Kenny is the father of her children. So when I looked at Kenny he was stuck."

"My god Tracey..." I knew that Tracey was going to pop back up into his life again.

"Yeah that's her name, you know her? And you set me up with Kenny knowing that he has kids?" Nicole interrogated me and I shook my head.

"No, not at all. They were together and she said that she was pregnant by him. Fast forward she got an abortion, or so I thought. I didn't know she kept the baby and I didn't know that he went back for seconds. Do they look like him?"

"My god. Why didn't he tell me about her? And yes they do, carbon copies. I just— I don't know."

"Nicole just don't stress yourself, it's not good for the baby."

"I'm trying not to but niggas just have the audacity." She said and I chuckled. The phone beeped and I looked at it seeing that Kenny was calling me.

"He's calling me now, I'll call you back."

"Okay, let me know what he says."

"I will, bye." I switched the call and soon heard Kenny's voice.

"Toni, Tracey came to the studio with two little boys claiming that they are my kids. The last I heard was that she had an abortion and I never went back for more. I swear to god. She's trying to ruin my relationship with Nicole and I'm not having it." Oh boy. I'm always in the middle of something.

Nobody's POV

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Janet was trying to bribe Skai into giving up where they were traveling for Janet's birthday.

"Do you want sprinkles or strawberry syrup on your three scoops of vanilla ice cream?"

"Can I get both?"

"Sure." Janet poured the syrup and sprinkles over her daughter's bowl of ice cream. Once she was done, she grabbed a big spoon and handed the bowl to Skai.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Janet said. She looked around for Toni and when she didn't see her, she continued with her plan.

"So Skai..."

"Mmhmm." She had already stuffed a big spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

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