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Toni's POV
June 28

Today my sisters and two other people are coming to LA. Tamar still won't tell me who the two people are and it's making me anxious. Skai hasn't talked to my siblings but she knows of them, vice versa.

"Mommy a-are your sisters coming today?" She asked me as I combed through her hair. I nodded.

"Yes, they are." Tamar said that one of the special guests will be driving them here. That means the special guest is an adult... hmm.

"Oh are t-they fun?"

"Yup." I said and put her hair in a ponytail.

"Thank you, mommy."

"You're welcome." The doorbell rang and she jumped up and down. I smiled. We walked to the door and I opened the door.


"Toniii." We embraced each other in a group hug and rocked back and forth. I pulled away and looked at them, they have grown so much.

"I missed you guys so much."

"Me too." I looked behind them and didn't see the special guests.

"Okay— where are they?"

"Where is who?" Tamar asked and they walked inside. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop playing Tamar or I'm kicking you guys out." I heard Skai laugh.

"Fine, come on guys." The special guests came into my view and I gasped. No fucking way! No way! I haven't seen them in over ten years. My eyes clouded with tears and I sniffled.

"Auntie Max, Auntie Teri." I hugged both of them and they rubbed my back. I haven't seen them since my grandmother's funeral. I missed them so much. We pulled away from the hug and Auntie Teri wiped my tears.

"It's okay to cry Tone." She told me and I sniffled. I heard Janet walking towards me and I turned around.

"What is Janet Jackson doing in your house?" Before I could answer, Skai did.

"That's my mommy too." I chuckled.

"Yeah, we're married. Janet these are my aunts, Teri, and Max."

"Wow, nice to meet you." They said at the same time, starstruck.

"Nice to meet you too. Baby, Paris called me last minute and told me that she wants me to manage her shoot." I nodded,

"That's fine."

"Can I go too?" Skai asked me and I nodded. Her being gone can give me time to catch up with my aunts and sisters.

"Yes, just don't interrupt Paris while she's taking her pictures." She said a small okay and they soon left. I closed the door and we all sat on the couch.

"So how did you manage to get Janet?" I laughed,

"It's kind of a long story." An embarrassing story...

"Mmm, which one of you guys carried your daughter?"

"Her name is Skai and neither. We're fostering her but are planning to adopt her."

"Aww, that's so sweet." I smiled. I looked around and saw that the girls left. They probably went to their rooms.

"I went to your parent's house a few months ago and they told me that one day you just left." Aunt Max told me and I gasped.

"That's hilarious. I told them that I'm gay and they kicked me out. What you guys told me a few years ago came out to be true."

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

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