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Janet's POV
July 15

Today my mother is coming over to give Desiree her first bath. She gave all of the grandkids their first bath and our grandmother did it to me and my siblings. So it's a tradition in our family. Our anniversary is in two days and we have no idea what we are doing. Skai has been helping out a lot but she doesn't like it when she cries.

"Be quiet, stop crying. Momma come get her please." I heard her say and I laughed. Skai is a mess. I walked to the living room and picked her up from her bassinet.

"She's probably hungry but I can't feed her. Mommy has too."

"Oh because you don't have the milk."

"Yeah, that's exactly why." After Toni came out of the shower she fed Desiree and she fell asleep. Skai went to play with Everest and the two puppies that we kept. We sold the rest in the neighborhood to people who wanted them. Soon my mother came and we went outside with Desiree.

"Mama K is this a part of your culture?" Tamar asked and she nodded.

"Yes. My great-grandparents were Nigerian so that's what they do in Nigeria. This ritual consists of scrubbing her skin with palm oil and a natural sponge to get off all the gunk, keep the skin moisturized, and allow the pores to open. It also keeps her skin soft and smooth throughout her life by giving her a good start in life. I'll bend her arms a bit to ensure that her limbs are flexible and it will prevent stiffness later on, and then I'll toss her in the air to make sure her reflexes work."

"Toss my sister?!" Skai asked in disbelief and I chuckled.

"Yes but she'll catch her, won't you?" Toni asked and my mother laughed.

"Yes, I will." We all watched as my mother bathed Desiree. She seemed so relaxed and even shit on my mother. My mother says that happens all the time and my sister Rebbie and I did the same to our grandmother. After her bath, she immediately fell asleep.

"Can I go next?" Skai said and my mother nodded. She began taking off her clothes and she laughed.

"No baby, I'll have to do you upstairs. You're too big for me to put you across my lap." The two of them went upstairs so that my mother could bathe her. Toni went upstairs to go and put Desiree down in her room. She soon came back downstairs and sat down next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"How are you feeling baby?"

"A bit tired but good at the same time. I can't explain it... Motherhood is like climbing a mountain. You know— you go up the mountain, and everything seems really, really good, and then you may slip a little bit. Like, this morning, I went and I pumped five and a half ounces for Desiree, so I wouldn't have to breastfeed her. And then I dropped it on the floor. I wanted to cry because I sat there for a while pumping the milk too, it was just a lot. It's a lot to learn but thank god that I have help. Being a mom is a blessing. The bond I feel towards the both of them—I know that, no matter what happens, they will always be the most important thing in my life... along with you, I guess." Toni joked towards the end and I laughed.

"I'm glad you decided to share your feelings with me and it will get better. Just know that I will always be here to help you, whenever you're tired, sick, or just need time for yourself. Just hand me to her and I'll take care of her from there."

"Aww thank you, baby." Toni said and kissed my lips.

"Oh, what do you want for our anniversary baby?"

"Giving birth to our daughter was enough."

"Aww baby, you just know what to say huh?"

"Yup, 'cause I'm Janet Jackson."

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